Too Much. . . (Ask #233-237 + Dare #70-71)

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Cosmic_glass "Ayyy nice one Brock that made me laugh. Anyways Craig it nice to see that you are not an asshole like *points at Mini* you're a cute funny guy."

Brock: *Smiles* Thank you.

Craig: Thank you, I really appreciate that. *Giggles*

MiniLadd: Hey, fuck you, alright?

Vanoss: You changed your glasses, Craig?

Craig: Huh? Oh, yea, I did, not so long ago.

Vanoss: It looks good on you.

Craig: Aww, thanks.

Terroriser: So. . .that's why he got you glasses, maybe?

MiniLadd: . . .Who knows.

Question from KarmaXKid ,

"Karma: Y'know, Evan and Jon kissing and Ohm taking a pic reminds me of a scene in one of my own stories... Anyway, LIKE YOU'RE ONE TO TALK, KID. YOU'RE THE ONE WHO FORGETS SHIT ALL THE TIME.

Kid: Oh yeah? When?

Karma: See? You've already forgotten what you've forgotten! Agh, never mind! Anyway, I see that Basically is unsure about the question. Basically, you're on the right track. To clear things up, I wanted to know if the 1p BBS feels the same to each other like the 2p BBS. For example... hmm... Cartoonz and Ohm loves each other, so does Luke and Ryan feel the same way? Same goes for the rest."

Basically: Well, I think some are same.

"Kid: 2PBBS! Do you think the song "Let Me Down" by NEFFEX suits you? I AM NOW ON A QUEST TO FIND A SONG THAT DESCRIBES YOUR TEAM! \(^o^)/"

Basically: Um. . .okay.

~After listening to the song~

Terroriser: I think it suits Evan. . .*blush* or Moo.

MiniLadd: . . .Probably Evan.

Lui: This is. . .so. . .cool! It definitely suits Vanoss!

Nogla: I can imagine Boss, Moo, Cartoonz & Bryce fighting with this song in the background. They're like the buffest ones of the crew. *Giggles*

Basically: Hmm. . .listening to the lyrics. . ."I will never let me down", reminds me of Boss. "I just wanna make it right", Delirious or Droidd. "I always put up a fight", Lui or Moo. "I will never lose my sight, I know I need you by my side", Boss. "I have nothing else to hide". . .me. "If I want it, then I'll get it, somehow", Cartoonz or maybe Scotty. "I am never stopping now, I am never slowing down", Cartoonz. "now I wanna take that crown", Scotty. "I will fight for everything, I will fight to reach my dreams", Moo or Bryce. "I'm sick of being average". . .Mini. I think this song suits mostly for the offensive members.

MiniLadd: Did you really had to analyze that shit!?

Droidd: Hmm. . .I think it suits the Boss.

Wildcat: Um. . .I-I'm not sure.

Moo: . . .I like this song. Suits me.

Bryce: I like it, and I think it suits Moo or Cartoonz.

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