Negotiation (Ask #385)

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Marksman: So-

Kryoz: SIR!

Marksman: What, Kryoz?

Kryoz: I told you to close your front.

Marksman: *Giggles a bit* No can do, John.

Kryoz: Well. . .at least you have an undershirt.

Legiqn: Okay enough. We have these guys to deal with.

Ohm: Oh, lovely~!

Bryce: Shut up, Ohm.

Nogla: Hello, Officer Marksman.

Marksman: *Looks around, sees Wildcat* . . .What happened to him?

Smii7y: These fuckheads used him to enter here.

Marksman: . . .Seems like you guys are not worth my time.

Lui: Listen fu-

Nogla: Kid, don't. We came to have a negotiation.

Marksman: Negotiation. . .I see. It's about BasicallyIDoWrk, isn't it?

Nogla: *Smiles* Correct.

Marksman: . . .Fine. We'll talk. Kryoz, stay here with the injured man. Legiqn, take the standing four out this room & to a spare room. I'll take this Irish man.

Kryoz: Yes sir!

Legiqn: Kk.

Nogla: Alright.

Marksman: Before moving. . .Legiqn, Kryoz, take their guns.

Bryce: Whoa, wait a fucking minute.

Marksman: We can't risk anything. Can't believe gangs.

Nogla: Alright, but. . .let Wildcat have our guns.

Wildcat: W-What?

Lui: What!? Nogla, are you crazy!?

Marksman: . . .Why? Explain.

Nogla: *Giggles* We have our reason, and we can't trust you guys keeping our guns, okay? Don't worry, Wildcat won't shoot you guys, he's a pacifist.

Marksman: *Looks at Wildcat*

Wildcat: N-Nogla, I-I don't think t-that's a good idea. I-I. . .

Marksman: . . .Give me a logical reason to trust him.

Nogla: . . .He's hurt, he can't get away if he shot anyone. We don't have a silencer, so you guys will be alerted if he shot anyone.

Marksman: . . .That's-

Ohm: Mister, don't worry about Wildkitty.

Wildcat: *Shaking a bit* I-I don't. . .want to. . .hurt anyone. . . *Tears up*

Marksman: . . .I don't know. . .everyone has a dark side.

407: . . .Can we just move on now? This awkwardness is killing me.

Ohm: *Wipes Wildcat's tears* It's alright, Wildkitty. *Kisses Wildcat's forehead*

Wildcat: *Calms down & holds Ohm's hand*

Ohm: It's okay. Keep telling yourself, 'I don't want to hurt anyone'. Body will obey your mind.

Wildcat: *Nods a bit*

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