Missing Members (Ask #216-220)

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Question from Insane_Galaxy123 ,

"Alex: oh shoot what happend? Umm hold on *she calls sombody*

Adrien: What is it, something about dimensions okaaay *galaxy was confused yet worried she was also worried about Moo and Ohm*

Alex: galaxy said "what about Ohm and Delirouse someone should go check on them""

Delirious: *Looks the oven* . . . (There's nothing different with the oven. . .)

Delirium: *Goes into the oven* Ohmie, where are you!?

Delirious: . . .! *Pulls Delirium out the oven* . . . (Jason! Don't do that.)

Delirium: But. . . *Tears up* the oven ate Ohmie!

Delirious: . . . *Hugs Delirium* . . .? . . . (Calm down, Jason. Ohm was not eaten, okay? Marcel can help Ohm, let's go to BBS base.)

Delirium: *Nods, wiping his tears*

Question from AWolfsJourney ,

"Ok! Sorry had to come back! Wtf happened to Moo!?"

Bryce: Guys! Moo went missing!

CaRtOoNz: What?

Bryce: The mirror is shattered, and Moo's jacket was left behind. He might've been abducted or something.

MiniLadd: Then, don't worry too much. Moo is strong, he can get out of it.

Terroriser: Moo. . . *Hugs Moo's jacket*

MiniLadd: . . .Well, Marcel, you got anything?

Basically: I think I can figure out what happened.

Delirious: *Enters* . . .! (Guys!)

Wildcat: Delirious, what happened?

Delirium: Kitty! *Hugs Wildcat* Ohmie! Ohmie! He's gone!

Droidd: What do you mean by that, Jason?

CaRtOoNz: Ohm's gone?

Delirious: . . . (We don't know what happened. He disappeared without a trace.)

Nogla: This is bad. . .

Lui: Moo, and Ohm, huh?


AlexTerroiser  "Well fuck.....two of my favourite people are gone......."

lunatictedd16  "Where is moo? Wtf happened? Where da fuck is ohm?!?"

LizaDrawsgames  "WYD HAPPENED?!?"

Basically: This can't be a kidnap, it must be some dimensional stuff. Droidd, can you carry me to the data room? I need to use my computer.

Droidd: Alright. *Carries Basically & goes to the data room*

KatelynSQuestions  "Stay calm,Dont you have a tracking device or something?If you dont,Then try to find some clues.Just don't panic"

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