Allergy (Ask #192-198)

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Question from AlexTerroiser ,

"Welp SwagDracula is here now...... I really need to think of questions for him Just I'm not a person to do Dares and I have a soft spot for little kids, so keep Tyler away from me please?"

Bryce: Sounds like someone doesn't like it.

Delirious: . . . (Thank you for saving Tyler.)

Swag: *Petting the dog* No problem sir.

Terroriser: Well, we need to keep Tyler away from this asker, like they want. *Carries Wildcat*


AWolfsJourney  "Omg! Swag in the building!!!!"

TheDeliriousFamily  "Fenia: FINALLY!!!!! DRACULA'S HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Terroriser: You guys are way too excited. *Giggles*

AWolfsJourney  "*hugs Wildcat* it's ok sweetie"

Wildcat: *Smiles*

Questions from Insane_Galaxy123 ,

"*galaxy hugs tyler after giveing a paper to Alex as Alex smiles at the sight since she usualy dosnt take hugs even from alex* Alex: galaxy want to know whos dog that is and how did it get in there she also wanted to see the drawings of its not to much to ask"

MiniLadd: *Starts scratching his arm* Who the fuck know that? Also, what do you mean, 'how did it get in there'? We're outside, so there's a lot of these creatures. *Sneezes* Shit. . .

Terroriser: Oh god, Mini you need some medicines.

MiniLadd: I know, and keep Tyler away from me till he gets a fucking shower!

Swag: Are you allergic to dogs?

MiniLadd: Shut up, and you stay away as well!

Terroriser: And I think it's too much.

Question from KatelynSQuestions ,

"Dracula,What are you doing here?"

Jiggly: Swag_Dracula, may I ask what you're doing here?

Swag: Hmm? Oh, I was just going to see Sattelizer from TwitchStreamers. He called me for some reason. I didn't wanted to go, but he hurt my bird, so I was gonna kick his ass to teach him a lesson.

Bryce: Really? Just because of a bird?

Swag: They're my friends. *Pats the bird on his shoulder*

Ohm: You're friends with Satt~?

Swag: Sorta, you know him?

Ohm: Of course~.

Swag: *Notices the Omega mark on Ohm's bandana* Oh, you must be Ohmwrecker. I've heard Satt has his eyes on you, I thought it was just a rumor, but it was true huh?

Ohm: Well~, maybe~. Do you have free time~?

Swag: I'm mostly free, in the forest, just relaxing.

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