Away (Ask #9-11 + Dare #1-2)

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Question from KarmaXKid ,

"Basically, whatcha find? HMMMMMM?"

Basically: You'll know soon.


KarmaXKid  "There is no need for me to ask why you did not say the truth that Evan strangled Terroriser. Every secret is eventually revealed. Every. Secret. BTW nice lie, Mini."

Terroriser: . . .It will. . .eventually. . .I know. Evan is not stupid, but. . .we care about him. You guys don't know anything. And if you guys tell him the truth, using your fourth wall powers, then you guys will give us no choice. . .

MiniLadd: Thanks for the compliment, but just fuck off alright? I'm willing to do anything to keep Evan sane.

Question from __sleepaholic__ ,

"also how's it like being in the bbs crew again droidd??"

~At Droidd, Basically, & MiniLadd~

Droidd: It's really great. I'm pretty happy to be here. I have two partners.

MiniLadd: You bitch! You know the risk!

Basically: I know, but trust me, this is better. I'm trying to give you less work.

MiniLadd: Everyone will get hurt anyway, what's the point now!?

Basically: Well. . . *Giggles* You're right, but I'm sure Boss would like my idea better.

MiniLadd: Fuck you, you smartass!

Basically: Thanks.

MiniLadd: That's not a compliment!


Droidd: See, they're funny. Also. . .I feel loved here, mostly by Ohmwrecker. He gives me what I want. *Giggles with a little blush*

Basically: Droidd! Can you give us some opinions?

MiniLadd: Get your ass over here!

Droidd: Alright, alright. *Walks over to them*


FiFi_Ballinas  "Please don't cry v. Listen, if you like Tyler, just, Tell him when your ready. Alright?"

"But please, no more crying strong owl man."

"Don't cry! What ever happened to that strong, though and demanding person? I know your REAL personality is in your body some where! You are NOT this baby bitch who cries every-single-Fucking Time. You know that, I know that, Everyone here knows that!"

Vanoss: Shut up for a sec, will you? Hmph, I need a fucking break. I had to cry in front of my teammates. . .good thing it was Brian. And stop talking like you know me. You guys can see our privacy, I don't have any intention to open up to you bitches.

sunniidee  "I'm so sorry for asking, I just wanted to know if you were okay, I'll leave you alone now, I hope you feel better.."

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