BasicallyIDoWrk Info - Swag_Dracula

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Name: Swag_Dracula (Real Name Unknown) Birthplace: Transylvania Species: American Gender: Male Hair Color: Blonde Skin Color: Peach Eyes: Green Current Affiliation: TwitchStreamers Best Friend: Birds Partner: None Crush: None Personality: Carefree...

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Name: Swag_Dracula (Real Name Unknown) Birthplace: Transylvania Species: American Gender: Male Hair Color: Blonde Skin Color: Peach Eyes: Green Current Affiliation: TwitchStreamers Best Friend: Birds Partner: None Crush: None Personality: Carefree, Mature, & Intelligent Sibling: None Work: In charge of getting information & reportthem to base 

Interesting Facts: Swag_Dracula is a high rank TwitchStreamers member, but he is carefree, maybe selfish. He does things when he wants to, and hates being forced. He lives in the forest for some reason & hates darkness. He's also a bird tamer, & a pacifist most of the time.

Childhood: His childhood is pretty much unknown, but according to my research, he was kidnapped when he was a child. He didn't have that much of a good relationship with his parents, so his parents didn't even care to search for him, when he was kidnapped. It is unknown who kidnapped him, but he was kept in the forest. Being in nature, he learned to become one with nature, and he also learned how to be a bird tamer. He was alone when found, and he doesn't talk about what happened.

Adulthood: When he became an adult, he started personal 'business' with his birds. It reached to the TwitchStreamers, and he was scouted. He became a member of TwitchStreamers, at first, he was quite a hard worker, but he did everything that was only necessary. He was skilled & strong, so he reached the higher rank, but since then, he doesn't move from that rank. Once, when one of his colleagues tried to force him to work, Swag sent that person in a coma, and that planted fears in people.

Currently: He is still in the same rank, he barely arrives to the meeting of TwitchStreamers, and he's always outside in the forest, minding his own business.

Skills: Acrobatic skills, hand-to-hand combat, super speed, minor strength, shooting skills, skilled driver, skilled pilot, summoning skills, bird taming skills, musical skills, strong senses, assassin skills, stealth skills

Yandere Level: 10/10

Ability Type: Skills

Mystery: His childhood, the reason to stay in the same rank & doesn't move, and why TwitchStreamers doesn't fire him for not doing work. There are so many questions about him.

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