After Drama (Ask #40-48)

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Question from sunniidee ,

"that was one heck of an adventure.. do you guys feel after all of this?"

Vanoss: . . .Horrible.

MiniLadd: Tired.

Terroriser: . . .A bit. . .sad.

Wildcat: . . .Painful.

Jiggly: *Pats Wildcat's back* I feel the same, Tyler.

Nogla: . . .Pretty awful to be honest.

Basically: Not good at all.

Droidd: . . .I don't know. . .

Lui: . . .Nothing too emotional.

Moo: A bit concerned.

Delirious: . . . (Painful & sad.)

CaRtOoNz: Weird.

Ohm: Touched.

Bryce: . . .sad?


FiFi_Ballinas "I'm behind a screen, I can't touch anyone here. So I have distance."

Ohm: *Giggles* Very funny, I meant emotionally or mentally. . .was that so hard to understand?

Delirious: . . . (Calm down Ohm.)

Ohm: But Delly~! *Hugs Delirious* She's a bitch! She tried to seduce Droidd!

Delirious: *Blushes a bit* . . . (I'm sure she didn't, she was just trying to help.)

Ohm: . . .*Pout* I don't believe her.

"This is going to be a long time before everything goes back the way it was."

MiniLadd: Nah, it took only a day.

Basically: It felt longer than that.

MiniLadd: Well, it's back to the way it was.

GalaxysilverWolf  "Does anyone else think when Cartoonz and Ohm actually do to do Cartoonz would shove a gun up Ohms ass or no? No okay I would just imagine Ohm walking in Mini's office and say "hey Mini can you help me" "what's wrong now?" "I have a gun up my ass" I'm weird I know"

Nogla: *Giggles* That is pretty funny!

Basically: *Giggles a bit* B-But it will hurt.

MiniLadd: I'm not taking a fucking gun out of someone's ass!

Nogla: *Laughs*

MiniLadd: NOGLA!

Ohm: *Blush* Oh. . .well. . .I know Toonzie loves guns, but. . .I-I don't know.

CaRtOoNz: *Blushes a bit* Well. . .gun can be something else, all it need to have in common is that they can shoot something out. *Looks at Ohm* You know what I'm talking about, right?

Ohm: *Blush* T-Toonzie~, oh, daddy~!

Droidd: *Grabs Ohm's arm, pulls him away from Cartoonz* Ohmwrecker, I bet that I have a bigger gun, if you know what I mean~. *Wink*

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