Family Time #1 (Ask #38-39)

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3rd Person P.O.V:


OmegaTheta  "I heard the cries of a cute 2p Wildcat and I came as fast as a multiversal being could to give the cute bean a giant hug and a plushie!"

Wildcat: . . .*Smiles a bit* Thank you.

AWolfsJourney  "*Kisses 2pWildcat's head* now don't you cry Piggy boy, it's alright and it's ok.*hugs him* If it makes you feel better, everyone is here for you... especially me BBBFF."

Wildcat: *Blushes & smiles* Thank you.

Question from Einaoplex18 ,

"Awww Wildcat.. I am sorry this happened.. (gives a hug) want some sweets? Ice cream maybe?"

Wildcat: I. . .I'd like some ice cream.

Question from sunniidee ,

"Wildcat? are you okay? You look stressed.,"

Wildcat: I'm. . .just scared. . .I hope she's okay.

MiniLadd: Shut your bitchass up, she'll be fine, once I get to do a surgery on her.

Nogla: There's a different way of saying, 'Don't worry, she'll be alright. I won't let her die', Mini.

MiniLadd: Shut up!

Nogla: *Giggles* Okay~.

(From here, I did a quick RP with TheDeliriousFamily , so credit goes to her, please show her some love in however way you can! 😊 Also I did cut off some parts, and she has an interesting universe~.)

At the hospital, the 6 made it, and walked up to the counter, asked which room Taya is. They went to her room, and. . .Wildcat's eyes widened & tears came out. ". . .Taya. . .no, please. . ." said Wildcat, and walked up to her. "Oh god. . ." said Nogla. ". . .This is. . .terrible." said Jiggly. ". . ." said Delirious in shock. Th heart monitor was beating, and Wildcat held Taya's hand, then said, ". . .Please. . ." "Nogla, can you go talk with the doctors, and get permission for me to use their surgery room? I need to do something else." Said MiniLadd, and walked away. "Alright." Said Nogla, and walked away as well. Jiggly walks up to Wildcat & pats his back, then says, "I'm so sorry that you had to see this. . ." ". . ." said Delirious, then Moo walks out the room.

The nurse came, and said, "Mr. Wildcat?" "Yes?" asked Wildcat to the nurse. Jiggly saw Taya slowly open her eyes, and Delirious walks up to her. "Is it okay if the other guy that looks like you, come over tomorrow and pick her up? She's been here for 4 days and we limit the days to stay at 5 days." Said the nurse. Taya looks at Jiggly and Delirious, then at Wildcat, her eyes widens. She tried to get up, but groans, and fell back down. "Wha-" Wildcat was cut off by Taya's groan, and he turned to her. Wildcat gasped, and said, "TAYA!" Jiggly looks at the nurse, and asked, "Are you talking about 1pWildcat?" "Ah! Yes! Tyler! Yes, him!" said the nurse. "I see. . ." said Jiggly. Taya smiles and waves to Wildcat, then looks at the nurse, and nods. The nurse nods back, then walks away.

Wildcat cries, and hugs Taya softly. "Thank god you're alive!" said Wildcat, and Delirious smiles. Taya hugs back, and rubs his back, then she grabs her notebook and wrote her words down, "It's okay big brother. I am okay now. . .with you at least. Also, hi Jiggly & Delirious. I wouldn't forget my favorite guys who supports & helps my big brother through rough time." "Taya. . . I'm here for you. M-Mini. . .is going to help you, okay? You'll be alright." Said Wildcat with sniffles & a smile. Delirious pats Taya's head softly, and said, ". . ." Jiggly smiles, and said, "Hey, nice to meet you."

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