AU Math? (Ask #238-241 + Dare #72-73)

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Evan: *Sees MiniLadd* Oh, hey.

MiniLadd: . . .Hey.

Evan: . . .Well. . .um-

MiniLadd: *Sneezes* Fuck. . .

Evan: Bless you. Did you catch a cold?

MiniLadd: No, I'm just. . .*scratches his arm* I hate this universe.

Evan: . . .You okay?

MiniLadd: . . .I'm fine.

Evan: . . .Okay, and. . .you seem pretty different from my bro.

MiniLadd: Duh. I'm supposed to be opposite from him, and I can't still fucking believe that you're Evan.

Evan: *Giggles* Well. . .I am Evan Fong.

MiniLadd: . . .*Smiles a bit* I guess so.

Dare from ImLinJp ,

"My dare is for 2p characters spend a day in a room(No way to get out) with their 1p version. xD"

MiniLadd: Seriously?

Evan: Uh. . .I'm. . .kinda nervous.

MiniLadd: Try not to get killed.

~1p & 2p Vanoss~

Vanoss: . . .

Evan: . . .

Vanoss: . . .This is fucking stupid.

Evan: Yea. . .say it again.

~1p & 2p Wildcat~

Wildcat: Um. . .hi?

Tyler: . . .Hey.

Wildcat: . . .

Tyler: . . .This is so awkward.

Wildcat: . . .H-Have you. . .r-remembered anything?

Tyler: Like what?

Wildcat: Um. . .n-never mind. . .

~1p & 2p MiniLadd~

Craig: Okay. . .hi.

MiniLadd: . . .*Sigh* You look seriously dumb.

Craig: Hey! That is not nice!

MiniLadd: I don't give a fuck! Just cause Evan likes you, doesn't mean I have to be nice!

Craig: Well- wait, are you. . .ohhh~, you're jealous~.

MiniLadd: *Blushes a bit* Shut the fuck up.

Craig: Aww, you are me, after all! *Giggles*

MiniLadd: FUCK YOU!

~1p & 2p Terroriser~

Brian: Hey me.

Terrorser: Hi.

Brian: So, uh. . .how you doing?

Terroriser: Good. . .um. . .can I ask you something?

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