Day 3 (Ask #272-275)

122 3 2

Question from beliana2017 ,

"vanoss how was the night?"

Vanoss: It was okay.

Nogla: You should be asking it to Ohm, Cartoonz, Droidd, Swag & Satt~.

Ohm: It was great~.

CaRtOoNz: They are such cockblockers!

Droidd: Think twice & smarter, mister~. *Giggles*

Sattelizer: I'm not letting either one fuck Ohm.

Bird: *Gives a rose to Ohm*

Ohm: Oh, why, thank you. *Takes the rose*

Bird: *Flies to Swag*

Swag: Good boy. *Pets the bird*

Question from H2OVanoss2016 ,

"Jonathan what is running through your mind at the moment from a risky moment not to long ago and take Evan on Date."

Jon: *Blush* Um. . .

Tyler: *Walks up to Jon* Hey, um. . .Delirious?

Jon: Yea?

Tyler: I. . .uh. . .I wanted to apologize.

Jon: What? For what?

Tyler: I'm gonna be honest, I thought you're gonna take advantage of the situation, and have sex with Evan.

Jon: *Blush* Uh. . .

Tyler: But. . .you're a fair guy. Sorry about that.

Jon: . . .Heh, it's alright. *Smiles* He'll be mine, anyway~.

Tyler: *Giggles* We'll see about that, my friend.

Jon: *Giggles*

Craig: *Cracks his knuckles* I'm sorry, but who's gonna be yours?

Jon: H-Hey Mini.

Craig: I appreciate you for not fucking with Evan, but that does not mean, I'm gonna have mercy on you, okay?

Jon: Jeez, Mini.

Tyler: Well, we'll see.

"Also a Question for Both Tyler's what are your best moments in your group and the really ugly moments as well if so describe both"

Tyler: Hmm? Well. . .I don't know. Too many to list, both.

Wildcat: Um. . .Best moments & ugly moments. . .I don't know. . .

Question from Inspired_Silence ,

"What couples are most likely to happen ;) 1p's and 2p's."


Terroriser: You mean who would most likely be together? If so, I think Mini & Evan are gonna be together. They are just so cute.

Basically: Hmm. . .I think Mini & Vanoss are close.

Nogla: Hmm. . .that's a tough one.

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