Like Before (Ask #332-333 + Dare #93-96)

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Dare from AWolfsJourney ,

"(this is the dare) 2pDroidd and 2pLui! Time for some more and maybe helpful advice to help your relationship out! I want you guys to write a list on things you enjoy and things you hate, people will not count. If you both see something similar to what you enjoy or hate, talk about, but be nice and no hitting!"

Lui: Just leave us the fuck alone!

Droidd: . . . *Grabs papers & pencils*

Lui: Don't tell me that you're gonna do this shit.

Droidd: . . .The fuck you think I'm doing? *Hands Lui a paper & a pencil*

Lui: . . .*Sigh*

Question & Dare from TheDeliriousFamily ,

"Ashley: I have a question and dare for Smii7Y and Kyroz!

Question: Do you guys like each other? The like like is what I'm talking about

Dare: Sit in a closet for 48 hours! I'll bring you food and drinks every 6 minutes! So divide that, you'll get 8 food and drinks in total! You won't be starving! Bye! P.S. from Taya and I, she and I ships you both!"

RacingCatz: Oh, question & a dare for Smii7y & Kryoz? Um. . .I need to go. . .but I can make it. *Runs to where Smii7y & Kryoz are*

Smii7y: So, the fuck happened?

Kryoz: Well, they got away. I should've caught them, but. . .I couldn't, and I wanted to warn you-

RacingCatz: Smii7y!

Smii7y: Huh? *Turns around* RacingCatz, the fuck you want?

RacingCatz: You & Officer Kryoz have a question & a dare.

Smii7y: Dude, I'm not doing it.

RacingCatz: Um, I-I'm in a hurry, so *Writes the question & dare on the paper & hands it to Smii7y* This is it, and I need to go! *Runs away*

Smii7y: Cody! That motherfucker!

Kryoz: *Giggles* What a busy man.

Smii7y: *Sigh & looks at the note, then blushes* Uh. . .

Kryoz: *Looks at the note & blushes a bit* Oh, well-

Smii7y: Don't say shit!

Kryoz: *Giggles* Why hide? I'm not ashamed. Of course, I like, like Smii7y. *Smiles*

Smii7y: *Blushes* F-Fuck you.

Kryoz: And. . . *blush* are we. . .doing the d-dare?

Smii7y: FUCK NO!

~At BBS~

RacingCatz: *Knocks on the door*

Nogla: *Opens the door* Oh, hello.

RacingCatz: Hi! My name is RacingCatz, a mailman from TwitterTweets Mail! I have a package for you, Mr. Nogla.

Nogla: For me? That's rare.

RacingCatz: *Hands Nogla the package* There you go, and good day!

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