Swap Places

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3rd Person P.O.V:

"Ugh. . ." groaned Evan, and opened his eyes. He was on a soft bed, and he sat up. "Ow. . .what happened? Ugh. . ." groaned Evan. "Evan, finally, you woke up!" said someone, and Evan looked where the voice came from. He was Terroriser. "Bria-" Evan cut off, he realized Terroriser's eye was different. "You're 2p!" said Evan. "Calm down, sorry about Ev- Vanoss hurting you." Said Terroriser. "W-What's going on?" asked Evan. "Well. . .we're having a little dare. You need to stay here, until this dare ends." Said Terroriser. "What? When does this dare end?" asked Evan. "In 4 chapters." Said Terroriser. "What!? How many days is that!? Ugh! Ow. . .fuck. . ." said Evan. "Stay still. Ev- I mean, Vanoss really did a number on you, huh? I'll get Mini to check on you." Said Terroriser, and called Mini.

MiniLadd came & checked on Evan. "Alright, he's fine, just don't move much." Said MiniLadd. "Um. . .thanks." said Evan with a smile. ". . .I cannot believe that you're my alternate brother." Said MiniLadd, suddenly Ohm came in, and hugged Evan. "Evy!" "Whoa! Ohm!" said Evan. "Hello Evy~." Said Ohm. "Hi, and uh. . .get away from m-" Suddenly Ohm pulls Evan into a kiss, then soon pulls away. "Aww sweet~." Giggles Ohm. "Uh. . ." Evan was blushing a bit & was speechless. MiniLadd pulls Ohm away from Evan, and said, "Get away you bitch!" Ohm hugs MiniLadd, and said, "Are you a little jealous~?" "No, I'm not, and get off!" said MiniLadd.

Droidd & Basically came in, and Basically said, "Mini, are you done?" "Yea." Replied MiniLadd, then Droidd walks up to MiniLadd & Ohm. "Having fun?" asked Droidd. "No!" said MiniLadd. "Yes." Said Ohm. "Well. . ." said Droidd, then crossed his arms. "That's good. . ." "Is my Droidd jealous~?" giggles Ohm, then Droidd pulls Ohm away from MiniLadd, then said, "What if I was~? Hmm?" "You could've just told me that you wanted my attention~." Giggled Ohm.

Delirious, Cartoonz, & Bryce came in. "As soon as I enter, I want to get out already. Gross Ohm." Said Bryce. ". . ." said Delirious, and walked up to Evan. "Uh. . ." Evan looked at Terroriser, and Terroriser said, "He asked how you're feeling." "Oh, I'm fine." Replied Evan, and Delirious smiled. "I still can't believe how different you are from Vanoss." Said Bryce with a little frustration.

Cartoonz walked up to Ohm & Droidd, and asked Ohm, "You already hit on the alternate Vanoss?" "I just gave him some love~." Replied Ohm. "Well, don't you think you're giving others too much affection? And not on me?" asked Cartoonz. "Oh, you want some love too~?" asked Ohm, then Cartoonz grabs Ohm's arm, and pulls him closer. "Hell yea." Said Cartoonz. "Oh Toonzie~." Droidd pulls Ohm back, and said, "Well, that is pretty seducing, devil boy." Cartoonz pulls Ohm back, and said, "So what, bitch?" "Um, guys?" asked Ohm blushing a bit.

Nogla & Lui came in, and Nogla said, "Hey 1p!" "Oh, hey." Said Evan. "Nice to see you! Don't mind about the base, it's a bit broken right now." Giggles Nogla. "Uh. . .okay." said Evan. "Lui, say hi to 1pVanoss." Said Nogla. "Fuck off. He's not my Vanoss." Said Lui with his arms crossed. "'My'?" asked 407 who came in. "Scotty." Said Basically. "You think Vanoss is yours? Huh, bitch boy?" said 407. "It just an expression! Leave me alone, you greedy whore!" said Lui. "You son of bitch!" said Scotty. "Okay, enough!" said Nogla.

Wildcat & Jiggly came in, and Jiggly asked, "Where the fuck is Vanoss? I need to talk to him." "He's currently unavailable." Said MiniLadd. "Oh, hey Tyler." Said Evan, and Wildcat looked at Evan, then replied, "H-Hi." Evan noticed that Wildcat's eyes were red. "Tyler, have you been crying? Your eyes are red." Said Evan. "N-No, I'm fine. . .I'm fine." Said Tyler with a little blush.

Moo came in, and said, "The fuck is everyone doing in here?" "Hey Moo, meet 1pVanoss!" said Nogla, and Moo looked at Evan. "Um. . .hey." said Evan. ". . .You don't look so different from Vanoss." Said Moo, and walked up to Evan. "Well, I am him, just from a different universe." Said Evan. "I know, I was talking about strength." Said Moo. "Wha-"

Suddenly Moo grabbed Evan's neck, and pinned him down on the bed. "You're weak." Said Moo. "MOO!" yelled Terroriser, Basically, Nogla, & MiniLadd. Lui kicks Moo, and Moo lets go of Evan, blocked Lui's kick just in time. "The fuck you doing!?" asked Lui, and Evan coughed a bit. "I thought you don't care about this Vanoss." Said Moo. "I don't, but it pisses me off when you do something like that to Vanoss, even if it's an alternate Vanoss! It's still Vanoss!" said Lui. "You fanboy!" said Moo, and attacks Lui. "Stop! We don't want any more wreckage!" said MiniLadd, and holds Moo back. "Calm down!" said Nogla, and held Lui back.

Terroriser turns to Evan, and said, "Sorry about them." "Um. . .i-it's uh. . .okay?" "FUCK YOU, YOU ASSHOLE!" yelled Lui. "GOT TO HELL!" shouted Moo. "On the second thought, no, it's not okay." Said Evan. "I know." Said Terroriser.

In 1pUniverse, Vanoss turns around, and saw Craig. "E-Evan?" asked Craig. "1pMiniLadd, right? It's me, 2pVanoss. I'm gonna be staying here for a while." Said Vanoss. "Um. . .what?" asked Craig rubbing his eyes.

(1pBBS is available for individual & group asks, temporary)

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