Plum Ass~ (Ask #326-331 + Dare #88-92)

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Question from KarmaXKid ,

"Kid: Oh! That's right! Ohm was making sweet cookies for Valentines Day before stuff happened!

Karma: Pfft, Valentines Day was a month ago now. Anyway... Vanoss... You're telling me that you have two "six" things that pisses you off? 'Cause you said, "6. When people try to take my crew. 6. Delirious"... Whatever, doesn't matter."

Ohm: Shut up. Even if it's past few months, you don't have any rights to laugh & shit! It's the askers' fault, we missed it anyways.

Droidd: Don't be so angry, Ohmwrecker. *Pulls Ohm into a hug*

Ohm: *Leans on Droidd* Cuddle me, daddy~.

Droidd: *Blushes a bit & smiles* Of course, my dear.

CaRtOoNz: *Takes out his gun*

~At Vanoss~

Vanoss: I lost count, since I was working & talking. At least I listed out, seriously.

MiniLadd: Well, some can't handle, but point those out, you know.

Vanoss: *Sigh* Fuck. . .I still have half more to go.

MiniLadd: Well, good luck, after this, we're the ones who are gonna have to work our ass off to finish.

"X: Oh. That's okay if you are all busy. I do hope that Mini won't die, though. But why take the risk of death for the entertainment of strangers? We all make choices, but why make the choice of possibly dying so others would be happy despite the fact that the people you entertain are the people that sometimes torture you?"

Terroriser: I think it's Mini's way of caring for us. He acts like a total asshole, but. . .he cares for us. Some of us were having fun, and some of you guys were too, right?

Basically: I'm hoping that he won't die. He's a medic, and his skills are extremely good, but. . .there are limits, he is a human after all.

Terroriser: He'll be fine. . .I'm sure. Even if the askers tortured him. . .he can care. Well, I think he only did it for us, though.

"Kid: Ohm, do you like bunny rabbits? ^w^"

Ohm: Yea, I like them, it's my spirit animal. I'm just sad that I missed Easter.

Droidd: It's not too late to make it up.

CaRtOoNz: Yea, we could think of something.

Ohm: Hmm. . .well. . .maybe~. *Giggles*

Lui: Quit thinking about something kinky, you bastard.

Question from VanShipperz ,

"Me:*Holds up a gun to Bryce* don't Yell at my baby

Akuma: Well, Damn"

Bryce: *Glares at the asker* FUCK YOU.

"Caìdo: I know, but I want to know something.

Kosdesu: Same here.

Caìdo:does Bryce love Delirious"

Bryce: *Blush* T-That's uh. . .um. . .

Delirious: *Blushing*

Delirium: Bryce, you love Jon? Aww, no wonder you care so much about Jon! Yay! I'm gonna have another brother! Or a dad!

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