What's Your OTP? (Ask #142-146 + Dare #41)

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Question from Kingggjaay ,

"Another shipping battle?"

Ohm: Oh my~, Kitty Cat fight~.

Basically: I doubt it, they're not a fighting type.

MiniLadd: Tyler isn't, but Cody is. You guys don't know Cody at all, he's pretty damn strong.

Basically: It's really hard to see that.

Ohm: He looks so sweet & harmless~.

MiniLadd: You guys are gonna die if you mess with him.

Question from KatelynSQuestions & AWolfsJourney  & lunatictedd16 ,

"Lui,I am so sorry,Are you okay?I Didint think that would've happend,so sorry"

Lui: . . .It isn't your fault, so. . .don't apologize.

Delirium: Lui. . .

"You ok 2pLui?*gives you pain killers* here, it's to help the pain."

Lui: Yea. . .thanks, and. . .I'm fine.

"Hey lui, ya okay? Sorry ya had to go through that... *gives lui vanoss logo hoodie and hot coco* it might not help but... it's all I got..."

Lui: *Blush* Um. . .

Delirium: Lui, people care about you, and look! You got Mr. Vanoss' logo hoodie!

Lui: . . .I-I'm not h-happy or anything. . .b-but I'll just. . .take that. *Hugs the hoodie*

Delirium: *Giggles* He looks so happy. Thank you for helping guys. *Smiles*

Lui: *Blush* Fuck you Methane.

Question from lunatictedd16 ,

"Wildcat and racingcatz, can I have a hug from both of ya you guys are the most nicest people?......"

RacingCatz: *Smiles* Of course! Also, I'm not one of the most nice people. . .there are much more people who are kind than me. Trust me. . .I've hurt & killed people. . .but don't worry, I'm not gonna hurt you.

Wildcat: Um. . .sure, and um. . .*blush* I-I'm not the nicest. . .A-Anthony & Delirious are nice too.


KarmaXKid  "Kid: Yay! Ohmie's a yandere! Also, what happens when you get drunk? I wanna taste some alcohol, too!

X: Kid, it's best you don't.

Kid: Why not?

X: It's bad for you.

Kid: How is it bad for you?

X: It tastes bad.

Kid: Why does it taste-


Lui: *Wearing the hoodie he got* Just like me, you're gonna puke & embarrass yourself.

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