Starting Mission

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Kryoz: . . .*Grabs Wildcat's hand & pull him back* Stay behind.

Lui: You know he's one of us.

Kryoz: Yea I figured, since he asked me about BasicallyIDoWrk, but. . .he's hurt, and I wanna help him. It must be true that you guys are ruthless.

Ohm: We're not here to fight, hot stuff~.

Kryoz: . . .

???: Hey Kryoz!

Kryoz: *Turns around* Legiqn.

Legiqn: What's- *Sees Smii7y* oh, got your little boyfriend here, huh?

Kryoz: Well-

Smii7y: *Blushes a bit* Shut up!

Legiqn: *Sees others* Oh. . .there are some new people. *Takes out his gun*

Kryoz: Officer Legiqn, wait!

Nogla: We're just here to negotiate.

Kryoz: Like we believe you guys.

Bryce: *Put his hand on his gun*

Nogla: Alright, then why don't you guys arrest us, and we could talk.

Lui, Bryce & 407: WHAT!?

Legiqn: Interesting, but seems like the others doesn't agree.

Nogla: Yea, but we do want Wildcat aided, our medic had some issue, and cannot aid him. We won't do anything, if you guys don't trust us, arrest us. *Signals the crew*

Ohm: . . .*Notices the signal* Yea, we don't want any fighting. Arrest us.

Legiqn: What should we do, Kryoz?

Kryoz: . . .I. . .um. . .

Noah: Y-You guys should take them!

Legiqn: *Looks at Noah* Excuse me?

Noah: T-They are an infamous gang! Y-You guys won't get any chance to capture them!

Smii7y: The fuck you're talking about, Noah?

Noah: *Blushes a bit* C-Come on. . .i-it might be a trap, but. . .y-you guys gotta risk it for the biscuit, right? That's justice, you know.

Kryoz: Justice. . .

Legiqn: That's it, we're not buying into this. *Grabs his gun*

Lui: Shit! *Grabs his gun*

Bryce: *Grabs his gun*

Wildcat: *Fells down*

Kryoz: Sir! *Supports Wildcat*

Ohm: Wildkitty!

407: Tyler!

Kryoz: Sir, are you alright?

Wildcat: Ugh. . . (Why do I feel. . .weak. . .and tired?)

407: Tyler!

Nogla: What did you do to him!?

Lui: . . .*Looks at Nogla, confused, & looks away*

Kryoz: I didn't do anything, I swear! Oh no, sir-

Smii7y: Don't just stay here, get the medic quick!

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