Friendship (Ask #49-51)

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AlexTerroiser  "I'm so confused with everything rn ,ummmmmm can someone please explain what's been happening!? 😐"

MiniLadd: Marcel, please.

Basically: Alright. *Turns to the asker* You must be someone who didn't read the cut-scenes, right? Well, here's a quick summary, some of us went to another universe to help Taya, Wildcat's. . ."sister". We have successfully saved her, but then she said she wants to go see 1pWildcat, so we did her the favor, but unfortunately, 1pWildcat did not remember her. Vanoss came & as soon as he saw Taya was with Wildcat, he got angry, and he shot Wildcat instead of Taya. A little anger fight started, it stopped soon as Taya became a bit suicidal, but Wildcat stopped her. Suddenly, Taya started fading, saying her time was up, and she slowly faded away, going back to her universe. After that, we all got back together, & in our universe, then. . .Mini had a metal breakdown.

MiniLadd: MARCEL!

Droidd: It's not much detailed, but a lot of things happened, so it's a pretty decent summary, hope they understood.

Kingggjaay  "Sometimes the size doesn't matter it's how you use it"

CaRtOoNz: I know how to use it, so don't worry.

Delirious: . . .? (Do you?)

CaRtOoNz: Oh really? You wanna talk shit to me?

Delirious: .-. . .- (I-I wasn't talking bad-)

CaRtOoNz: Oh yea? Then you wanna talk about what kinda kinky shit you do to-

Delirious: *Covers Cartoonz's mouth, blushing* . . .! (I'm sorry, so please don't say anything!)

CaRtOoNz: *Muffles* (Fine.)

Delirious: *Still blushing* . . .! (Also, there's nothing kinky about it!)

CaRtOoNz: *Shrugs*

AWolfsJourney  "I sense competition between Vanoss and Jiggly XD"

Jiggly: Well, I'm up for it.

Vanoss: You think you can win against me, huh? You're so naïve.

Jiggly: We'll see which one of us is the naïve one. *Takes out his knife*

Vanoss: *Takes out his gun* Bring it, bitch!

Nogla: Okay, not now, Boss. *Holds Vanoss back*

407: Calm your ass down. *Holds Jiggly back*

Basically: We don't want any more wreckage.

MiniLadd: And Evan, you have things to do. Jiggly, if you're gonna bother someone, then please leave with 407, we are busy with stuff.

Vanoss: Tsk, fine.

Jiggly: . . .I'm not leaving, but I got it, okay?

Droidd: *Giggles* Well, that was quick.

Question from OmegaTheta ,

"Here it is (you don't need to include the top bit...) I know the wonderful and smart Terroiser is capable of traversing universes. I'm glad you are on good terms with the 1P versions of yourself! But as a little warning.... tamper with the fabrics of reality in any of them or some how delete them... You will wish ya didn't.... Also tell wildcat I said hi! Here is a hugglz before I part ways! *hugs* till next time~"

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