Pity Fuck (Ask #264-268 + Dare #81)

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Question from H20vanossfan109 ,

"Can I have a hug please??"

McQuaid: I would love to, but. . .can't in a situation like. . .this. . .

Question from KarmaXKid ,

"Kid: I'M ALIVE. \(^o^)/

Karma: Yeah, not really the appropriate time to get back up from the dead...

X: Kid, do you mind erasing your sense of sight and hearing for the next chapter or two?

Kid: Huh? Why?

X: Just do it.

Kid: Um... Okay! Teehee!

Karma: Can I say something that might be really confusing?"

MiniLadd: The fuck is it anyway?

Tyler: Evan! *Crawls to the door*

Anthony: Ow! Tyler!

Wildcat: M-Me?

407: No, the other one.

Question from Insane_Galaxy123 ,

"Alex: wait 1P mini what do you mean evan lost? what did he loose?

Adrien: umm shite

*he covered galaxys eyes with and eye and and put sound proofing ear plugs over her ears*

Alex: nyah adrien shes not a child no more

Adrien: she is still innocent those askers are ruining everything why did they have to do that like everything was going back to normal then i just had to frick up again

*he growled out quietly*"

MiniLadd: Exactly, and remember the arm wrestle.

H20vanossfan109  "LUI!"

AWolfsJourney   "Well things are going to hell. And 1pLui, stay away from 2pWildcats plum ass"

Calibre: Oh, you guys call it a 'plum ass'? *Touches Wildcat's ass*

Wildcat: *Blush* W-Who's-

Calibre: Oh yea, it does kinda remind me of a plum. It's nice & round.

Jiggly & Vanoss: *Blushes a bit* (Tyler's plum ass. . .)

Anthony: *Giggles* Can I have some of that?

Wildcat: *Blushes harder* W-What?

Ohm: I want it too~.

Cosmic_glass  "Lol mini is breaking the forth wall but hey relax for a bit I didn't mean it that way, I just like you the way you are I know that alot of things like right now is stressing you. Now I feel bad heh.....oh well I guess"

MiniLadd: . . .*Looks at Craig* Don't feel bad for me, feel bad for him.

Craig: *Tears up*

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