Comfort. . .? (Ask #350-356)

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AWolfsJourney  "Oh dear God this is going to hell"

Bryce: Yea, Wildcat is going to hell!

Wildcat: *Shivers*

Jiggly: Stop it, Bryce! Tyler came to apologize.

AWolfsJourney  "Tyler, listen, it's ok really. I've had friends like that before and it's alright, it's alright. Bryce, let Piggy apologize, it was only an accident and he couldn't control himself"

Bryce: FUCK YOU! Look at what the fuck you did to Delirious!

Wildcat: *Looks at Delirious, who's unconscious & being healed* . . .Delirious. . .

Bryce: There's no apology until he wakes up, so I'm gonna keep you the fuck away from Delirious!

407: Jesus Christ, you stubborn bitch.

Bryce: YOU FUCK!

Moo: *Holds Bryce back* Calm down, Bryce, and yea. . .I think you should apologize later.

Wildcat: *Frowns* Okay. . .

Jiggly: Fine, let's go. *Walks away with Wildcat & 407*

oreiin  "wildcat, it's alright., it is not your fault, it's not anyone's fault., you didn't mean too, accidents happen.,

everyone makes mistakes, remember that"

Wildcat: *Smiles a bit* Thank you. Delirious. . .he has been in my side, and. . .I really feel bad hurting him, but. . .I really don't know what happened. I just. . .grabbed his arm. . .and his arm. . .*sigh*

Jiggly: *Pats Wildcat's back* It's alright, Tyler. You did nothing.

407: Probably those hackers did something.

Wildcat: Hackers. . .

Jiggly: I wonder who did it. . .wasn't Marcel a genius? It's hard to believe that someone like him got hacked. I mean, I'm pretty sure he had some tight securities, and Mini & Droidd uses computers too, right?

407: I don't know, but I'm a bit disappointed.

Jiggly: Shut up Scotty, he is a human.

407: Yea. . .a pretty good one.

Jiggly: What?

thestars-ash "whdkauskahs baby boy ty ty, is okay. you can't control yourself and i know it feels like it's your fault, but it's not. im sure delirious will understand and forgive you."

Wildcat: I believe Delirious will forgive me. . .I hope I can talk & apologize to him soon.

Question from lunatictedd16 ,

"Please, wildcat... be strong and control your actions... or try... you don't have to. Hey, lui... how do you feel about Tyler and his powers?.."

Wildcat: I. . .I'll try.

Jiggly: It's okay, Tyler. Delirious will be fine.

407: Yea, don't worry man.

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