4 Dimensions (Ask #416-421)

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Lazilyproductive  "WHAT THE FUCK"

txcArt  "I- *inhales* I call some people honey even though I don't like them. Sometimes I do it to piss people off. I'm not into dating since my last one ended like hell, so that clears up the confusion, Bryce isn't cheating I'm just being stupid...plus I mega ship Brylirious so-"

Ze: Oh yea. . .Delirious, was it? The man who stole your heart, Bryce?

Bryce: *Blush* S-Shut up!

Ze: I'll take care of him after you guys. Don't worry, I'm not gonna kill you, Bryce.

Bryce: You better stay the fuck away from Delirious!

Ze: Oh, how protective, Bryce! It just pisses me off even more! He's holding you back from joining my crew!

Bryce: This has nothing to do with Delirious! It's my choice to decide if I want to join your crew or not!

Legiqn: This is not helping.

Nogla: *Giggles* I hope others are alright.

~Dimension 2 – Chilled, Basically, Kryoz, & 407~

407: *Touches the walls* The fuck is this!?

Basically: A wall, but. . .in a digital form. Preventing us from reaching to others.

Kryoz: No. . .Smii7y! Where is he!?

Chilled: Scanning. . .BasicallyIDoWrk, Kryoz, & 407. . .*Pulls out a holographic chart*

~Dimension 3 – Smarty, Ohm, Swag, Wildcat & Marksman~

Marksman: Are you alright, Tyler?

Wildcat: Y-Yea. . .thank you.

Ohm: That was a strange experience.

Swag: *Petting his bird* That really was.

Smarty: *Pulls out a holographic chart* This is gonna be fun.

~Dimension 4 – GaLm, Smii7y, Lui, & Noah~

Lui: Oh my fucking god! What the fuck is going on!?

Noah: This is a high-tech prank if you ask me.

Smii7y: . . .*Mumbles* Wrong target. . .

GaLm: *Pulls out a holographic chart*

AWolfsJourney  "Omg! Things are getting more twisty and intense!!!"

Ze: You bet cha~. *Pulls out a holographic chart* Alright, wanna play some games with me, guys?

Nogla: Oh, I like games.

Legiqn: Depends. . .

Bryce: Fuck no!

[Chilled: Boss, any orders?

Ze: . . .*Smirks* All I care is Bryce, & I have him in my dimension. Chilled, GaLm, Smarty, you guys can have all the fun you want with them. I don't care about them, kill them if you want.

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