Family Time #3

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3rd Person P.O.V:

They land on the ground, in 1pUniverse. "Ow. That hurts." Groaned Taya, and Wildcat asked, "Taya, are you okay?" "I'm okay! Woo!!!" Taya started running around, and Jiggly said, "Glad that she's alright." "I see 1pTyler's house!" she said, and ran to Tyler's house, and the 6 followed her.

Taya knocks on the door, and Tyler opened the door. "Tyler!!!!!!" shouted Taya with joy, and hugged him. "What the fuck!?" said Tyler, and Wildcat thought, "(That's. . .me in 1pUniverse. . .)" "It's me, your sister!!" said Taya, then Tyler said, ". . .What?" Taya's smile disappeared, and said ". . .Don't you remember?" "Um. . .I-I think you're misunderstanding." Replied Tyler, then Wildcat said, "No, s-she is your sister! R-Remember her!" Taya cries a bit, and said, ". . .My birth big brother. . .doesn't remember me. . ." Taya squeezes her wolf plushie, then Tyler noticed Wildcat & the others, "W-Wait, are you guys from 2pUniverse? Did someone dare you guys or something?" Tyler took out his phone, and texted Craig. "Yes, and we came to see just you. Remember your sister!" said Wildcat. "Yea, you must remember her. She's your sister." Said Jiggly, and Taya fell to her knees.

". . .Um. . .listen, I don't. . .remember or forgetting about this. I think. . .this is some kind of a. . .weird Alternate Universe shit. I-I don't think I am the 'Tyler' that you think is your brother." Suddenly Wildcat grabs Tyler's shirt, and shouts, "Stop. . .STOP BREAKING HER HEART!" "Tyler!" said Jiggly, then Taya pulls Wildcat away from Tyler, and said, "It's fine. . he can just go & have fun with his friends while his little sister is suffering. . ." ". . .I don't understand. . ." said Tyler, then Wildcat tears up.

"We're going ba-" Taya cuts off as she saw Vanoss, Lui, Evan & Craig. Wildcat turns around & sees Vanoss, then eyes widens. "V-Vanoss. . ." Vanoss pulls out his gun & shoots Wildcat's arm. "Ahhhhhh!" yelled Wildcat in pain & fell down. ". . .!" shouted Delirious. "TYLER!" yelled Jiggly, and supported him. "Holy shit!" said Tyler. "Oh my god!" said Craig. "What the fuck!?" said Evan. "V-Vanoss. . ." said Nogla, Wildcat cries & groans, "Ugh. . ." Jiggly glared at Vanoss, and said, "You. . .YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Taya turns into a demon wolf, and shouts, "HOW DARE YOU!!!!!!!!!" She turns invisible & walks around Vanoss. Moo just stood there, then took his cigarette & lighter out, and smoked. Delirious tears up a bit, then Taya tackles Vanoss, and pins his hands behind his back. "WHY!?!?!?! WHY DID YOU HURT HIM!?!?!?! I THOUGHT YOU LOVED HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Suddenly, Lui kicks Taya off Vanoss, "GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM VANOSS!" Vanoss stood up, and said, "Thanks Lui." Jiggly took his knives out, and said, "You're gonna pay for this!" Taya cries & screams like a devil, "STOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" They all looked at Taya, and she hugged Wildcat before treating his wound. "You are a monster, Evan. . .I don't want you near my big brother ever again. . .and before you tell me that I don't order you, I can. I have powers that mind-control the ones you love. . ." said Taya. MiniLadd glared at Taya, his eye turned red, then Vanoss aimed his gun at Taya, and said, "So you WERE manipulating Tyler. . ." He gestures the others to take out their gun. Lui, MiniLadd, Moo, & Nogla pulled out their gun & aims it at Taya. Jiggly looks at Taya, and said, ". . .Taya. . .don't tell me that you were. . .tricking Tyler." Delirious pulled Wildcat away from Taya, and Wildcat groaned, "Ugh. . ." Taya smiled before crying, and said, "I wasn't. I'm his real sister. But go ahead and kill me. Oh wait. I'm already gonna die." She holds a knife to her chest, and smiles wider, then said, "I'm going INSANE!!!"

"No. . .stop!" shouted Wildcat, and grabbed Taya's hands. "Please. . ." "Your leader HATES me and wants me to die!!" said Taya, then Wildcat replied, "Who cares! I love you & I want you to live! It's the reason we came here! Please. . ." Wildcat hugs her, Taya cries, hugs Wildcat back, and said, "I'm sorry Ty. I didn't mean to cause trouble. . .I just wanted some family time with you and 1pTyler, but he doesn't remember me. . ." "I'm here. . .Taya. . ."

". . .So this is part my fault?" asked Tyler, Nogla puts his gun down, and said, "Nah, just don't worry man." Others hesitantly put their gun down, holding themselves back. Taya cries on his shoulder, and her legs slowly starts to fade away. She notices, and looks at the others in shock, then said, "W-What is happening!?" "T-Taya?" asked Wildcat. "I-I think my time here is up! No! I don't want to leave!. . .No words for you guys, but Del. . . .Please take care of Wildcat. . .I still love you, 2p & 1pTyler. Even if 1pTyler doesn't remember me. . .I still love my big brother. . ." said Taya, and Wildcat cries, "No! TAYA!" Taya's chest fades away slowly. . . "TAYA!" "One last hug?" asked Taya, and opens her arms as her neck slowly fades away. Wildcat hugs her tight, and cried, "Please don't go! I can't lose my family!" "I'm still gonna call you on the TV. . .My TV at home connects to every TV that other Universes have. They can FaceTime or just call when the girls in my Universe say, 'Call 1pUniverse' or any Universe. . .You'll never lose me. . ." Taya's chin slowly fades away, and Wildcat said, "No. . .Please. . ." "I'm sorry. . .I'm sorry Tyler. . .I will always be in your heart, big brother. . ."

Taya faded, and Wildcat fell to his knees & cried, Jiggly hugged Wildcat. Delirious hugs Wildcat as well, and said, ". . ." "Let's go back now." Said Vanoss, and they all went back to Evan's house to get Bryce & Fourzer0.

At Evan's house, they came back, and the portal was ready. Vanoss turned to Craig, and said, "Thanks for comforting me." "No problem, 2pbro!" giggled Craig, and Vanoss hugged him. Craig hugged back, then they let go of each other. "Goodbye." Said Vanoss. "Bye." Said Craig with a smile, and the 2ps went back to their universe. Craig turned to Evan, and said, "Welcome back brother!" Craig hugged Evan, and Evan giggled. "Welcome back bitch." Said Tyler. "Come here man, join the hug!" said Evan, and Tyler blushed a bit. "Don't leave my bro hanging." Said Craig, and kissed Evan's cheek. Evan blushed a bit, then Tyler hugs Evan, and kissed Evan's forehead. Evan blushed more, and they all giggled. 

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