Delayed (Ask #36-37)

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3rd Person P.O.V:

In 1pUniverse, Vanoss was trying to take contact with Terroriser. "Dammit! Why isn't this working!?" said Vanoss. "Did something happened?" asked Craig. "Brian doesn't respond to me." Said Vanoss. "Really?" asked Craig. "Come on! Brian! Mini! Marcel!" said Vanoss.

In 2pUniverse, Terroriser, Basically, Droidd & Ohm were working on connecting the dimensions. "Um. . .Evy's been contacting us for a while. . ." said Ohm. "Um. . .J-Just leave it, for now, and are you guys ready?" asked Terroriser. "Yup." Said Lui. "Let's go, alright." Said Fourzer0. "Alright." Said Evan. "Hope we could buy some time." Said Bryce. "Good luck." Said Cartoonz. "Okay, go now!" said Basically. Lui, Bryce, Evan, & Fourzer0 entered the portal to 1pUniverse. "You know. . .can I say something?" asked Ohm. "What is it?" asked Terroriser. "When MiniLadd fought Wildcat. . .was it me, or Mini's eye changed?" asked Ohm. "Well. . .I think Mini's eye did change." Said Terroriser. "I've never seen it. It's a really good info." Said Basically. "Also, he looked so hot, I didn't know Mini was such a sadist~. I want him to beat my ass~." giggled Ohm. "I should've not let you say something." Said Terroriser with a blush. "I'll beat your ass so hard." Said Cartoonz. "Oh, daddy~ please~." Giggled Ohm, and Droidd blushed a bit. "Okay, shut up, please." Said Basically with a blush.


FiFi_Ballinas  "Ohm, I'm not going to take Droidd away. I just want to help him. Nothing more. And please don't hurt me."

Ohm: *Sarcasm* Oh, yea, sure, whatever you say.

Droidd: *Giggles*

Ohm: If you want to help him, you better make sure you have distance, or I will kill you.

Basically: Ohm, you can't hurt someone over the fourth wall.

Ohm: Aww, how sweet of you to teach me some intelligence, Marcel~. Teach me more, baby~.

Basically: *Blush* Um. . .if you want.

Terroriser: It's getting uncomfortable in here!

Back to 1pUniverse, Vanoss was waiting, suddenly a portal opened. "Oh, fina-" Lui, Fourzer0, Evan, & Bryce came out of the portal & fell down, then the portal closed. "Ow. . ." said Lui. "Lui? Fourzer0? Bryce?" asked Vanoss, and Lui looked at Vanoss, and said, "Vanoss. . .I. . .VANOSS!" Lui hugged onto Vanoss. "Whoa! L-Lui!" said Vanoss with a little blush, and hugged back. "I missed you!" said Lui, and Vanoss smiled of Lui's cuteness. "Evan!" said Craig, and hugged Evan. "Craig! I missed you." Said Evan, and hugged Craig back. "I missed you too, bro." said Craig. ". . .That's really cute." Said Fourzer0 with sarcasm, and stood up, wiping himself off. ". . .So, what are you guys doing here?" asked Vanoss. "We came to explain." said Bryce, who stood up. "Explain what?" asked Vanoss. "Um. . .About the portal." Said Lui. "What do you mean?" asked Vanoss. "Your return is delayed. The portal had a little trouble, Terroriser, Marcel, Ohm & Droidd are fixing it." Said Fourzer0. ". . .Alright. . .I guess." Said Vanoss. "Well, you guys want some teas?" asked Craig. ". . .That'll be nice." Said Bryce.

Question from OmegaTheta ,

"Oh my good golly goodness this keeps getting both funnier and cuter the longer it goes! I want to ask 2p something but I know I already asked something so I shall hold my piece =v=

Anyways, anyone want a cookie? ^.^"

Vanoss: Cookie? . . .I'd like one.

Lui: . . .Me too.

407: That's nice, I prefer cakes, but I will take that. *Wink*

Bryce: . . .One cookie won't hurt. . .I guess.


Ohm: Cookie? Sounds delicious~. I love cookies.

CaRtOoNz: Do you? Really?

Ohm: Of course~, it's goes so well with 'milk'~, if you know what I mean~.

Terroriser: *Blush* OHM!

Ohm: Sorry~, you wanted more detail huh~? It's goes so well with 'milk', which is the white substance that comes out of male's pe-

Terroriser: *Blushing hard* STOP!

Droidd: *Blush* You are. . .very naughty & sexy~.

Ohm: Oh, thank you~.

CaRtOoNz: . . .Maybe I'll have one.

Terroriser: After that, no thanks.

Basically: I would've really liked one, but. . .*Blush* not after hearing what Ohm said.

Droidd: *Giggles* I'd like to have one.

~At 6 others~

MiniLadd: I'll pass.

Wildcat: . . .*Nods*

Nogla: Sweet man! I want one!

Moo: *Shakes his head no*

Delirious: . . . (I would like one.)

Jiggly: . . .No thanks, thank you though. *Smiles*

Question from sunniidee ,

"Evan, how do you feel about all of this?"

Evan: Not really good. . .I'm worried. . .

Craig: *Hugs Evan* Don't worry bro!

Evan: *Giggles*

Later, ". . .When does the portal be fixed?" asked Vanoss. "We're not entirely sure." Said Bryce. "Just chill, man." Said Fourzer0, and Vanoss remained silent. "Are you okay?" asked Lui, and Vanoss pat his head. "Yea, I'm fine. I was just. . .a little worried." Said Vanoss, suddenly, Craig got a text. "Oh. . .alright, I'll go there soon." Craig texted back. "What happened?" asked Evan. "Um. . .Tyler just. . .found 2ps." Said Craig. "What!?" asked Bryce. Vanoss stood up, and said, "Take me with you, Craig." "Um. . .o-okay." Said Craig. "Wait! Y-You can't go!" said Bryce. ". . .If it is one of the members. . .we should all get together." Said Vanoss. ". . .You have a point, but we should not move here." Said Bryce. ". . .It won't take long. Come on Craig." Said Vanoss, and grabbed Craig's hand, then went outside, Lui & Evan followed. "Shit. . ." said Bryce, and tried to go, but Fourzer0 stopped him. "Chill. . .he said, 'it won't take long'." Bryce remained silent, and decided to wait

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