BasicallyIDoWrk Info - CH4Delirium

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Name: Jason V

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Name: Jason V. Denis Birthplace: North Carolina Species: American Gender: Male Hair Color: Brown Skin Color: Pale Eyes: Blue Current Affiliation: BBS, Councils, & FT13th Best Friend: Lui Calibre Partner: Tommy Jarvis Crush: CaRtOoNz Personality: Pure, Innocent, & Kind Sibling: H2ODelirious & CaRtOoNz

Interesting Facts: CH4Delirium is H2ODelirious' little brother, he once died, but was revived. He has a same power as CaRtOoNz. He has a small ice crystal on each of his palms. His power goes out of control, whenever he gets sad.

Childhood: He was raised by his mother, his parents divorced. He has a brother, H2ODelirious, and they went to camping one time, then he was forced to drown in the lake. His childhood ended there. . .

Adulthood: He was revived somehow by CaRtOoNz & Delirious. Delirious is working to afford money for the both of them to live, he wanted to help Delirious, so he chose to work. He didn't have any degree, so of course, not many job was open to him. He went back to the camp where he died, and decided to be a counselor. Apparently, he was scouted by Friday the 13th (FT13th) Gang, and he became a member.

Currently: Delirium works for Councils & FT13th, he's not known to be a gang member, the way he acts, there's no way people can believe he's one of the gang. He does come to BBS to visit Delirious & the crew, but not much, because Vanoss doesn't really. . .like him for some reason.

Skills: Acrobatic skills, super speed, minor strength, shooting skills, stealth skills, freezing skills, cooking skills

Yandere Level: 1/10

Ability Type: Balance

Mystery: Delirium has mysterious spots, quite a lot. How he was revived? Why is his body not decomposed or anything if he died? Why does he have same power with CaRtOoNz? How was he scouted by FT13th? How did he & Lui met? Is he really innocent? Is he acting to be a kid, & he's actually a spy? I have tons of questions, but let's not list it.

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