Toddler Trouble (Ask #180-183 + Dare #49)

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LizaDrawsgames  "*hugs wildcat* this is mine now"

Ohm: F*** no! He is not yours!

Basically: Ohm, there's a child here, please, no cursing!

Ohm: Sorry, it's just this b**** pissed me off.

Wildcat: Hmm?

LuisentMoon  "Oh sorry Ohmie! I meant to say Im not stealing him. Please forgive me! I am so sorry. Also I love Wildcat as a child he's adorable"

Ohm: At least this one apologizes.

MiniLadd: *Sigh* Come on Brian.

Wildcat: *Stomach growls a bit* I'm hungwey. . .

Terroriser: Aww, he's hungry, we need to get you something to eat.

MiniLadd: BRIAN!

Nogla: Calm down, and let's make something for him.

Lui: The f*** does he wanna eat.

Droidd: Common sense, it would be some soft food, not too much greasy stuff, more healthy, but tasty.

CaRtOoNz: That's common sense? Just give him some milk.

Delirious: . . . (I'll make him something.)

Bryce: I-I'll help, Delirious.

Delirious: *Smiles* . . . (Thank you. Also, he needs some clothes. I think the asker gave us some.)

Terroriser: That's awesome! Let's get you dressed up, Tyler. *Carries Wildcat*

Basically: Can I help?

Terroriser: Sure.

MiniLadd: *Face palms*

Moo: He was useless, then he's even more useless now. The f*** are we gonna do with him?

Nogla: Take care, of course.

Wildcat: . . .

Question from Kingggjaay ,

"Wait Smii7y is here too?"

RacingCatz: *Stops* Well. . .he is one of my colleagues, so. . .if you guys have any question for him, I can ask him for you guys.

Dare from H2OVanoss2016 ,

"Jiggly I dare you to go trough Vanoss's room without getting caught also if you try and back out I'll hunt you down in a few minutes *points sword to his neck* also no bringing anyone with you plus here's the problem Vanoss comes into his room every few seconds so find a nice spot to hide in. And a Question for Toonz how long can you be without going crazy for not killing anyone"

Jiggly: Seriously?

407: Well, as a rogue, we do those stuff all the time.

Jiggly: . . .Well. . .I. . .don't really. . .want to do it. I mean, what's the point? There's literally nothing beneficial.

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