End This. . .Please. . . (Ask #476-478)

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AWolfsJourney "RacingCat Stops this is is getting out of hand! Dont hurt ty!"

RacingCatz: I'm sorry, but this has to be done.

Wildcat: *Cough, falls to his knees* C-Cody. . .

Jiggly: Quit this shit right now!

RacingCatz: I wish I can do that.

Wildcat: . . .Why. . .*Tears up* Why are you. . .doing this!? *Coughs*

RacingCatz: *Shoots Wildcat's arm in the same spot*

Wildcat: Ahhhh! *Falls down, covers his wound*

RacingCatz: Give me your answer. . .a real answer.

Wildcat: *Sniffles* 'R-Real answer'?

RacingCatz: Don't answer because of what others think.

Foxygwr  "Jane: dont hurt wildcat 'cody' we already had enough of hurt members.

Lizzy: she gots a point there partner.

Me: oi! Be a good lad and dont hurt ty. Ya here? Or else your eyes will be on a stick."

RacingCatz: I know. . .but this is the only way.

Jiggly: BULLSHIT! *Struggling*

Moo: You fucker, calm down!

Nogla: Listen to them, Jiggly.

407: *Pulls out his gun* This is not oka-

Bryce: *Grabs 407's arms* Back off!

407: Let go, you son of a bitch!

LittleAlyseCandy  "As much as I disapprove, I need to put my trust in Cody and hope that he knows what he is doing, so please, don't go too far Cody"

RacingCatz: . . .*Smiles a bit* Thank you for trusting me. *Smiles slowly fades* Please. . .trust me till the end. . .

Wildcat: I-I don't *sniffles* understand. . .please. . .stop. . .

RacingCatz: . . .*Takes a deep breath* Alright. . .*Aims his gun at Wildcat's forehead* I'll end your misery, replacement.

Wildcat: *Eyes widens*

CherryBlossm112  "*nod* take care Cartoonz *get out the room*"

CaRtOoNz: Good, now can you two leave as well? I can't handle too many lives in the room.

Delirious: . . . (Jason can handle it, and I can't let him go back.)

CaRtOoNz: What the fuck actually happened?

Delirious: . . . (RacingCatz. . .challenged Tyler to a duel.)

CaRtOoNz: DUEL!? Oh my fucking god! Where are they?

Delirious: . . . (Outside.)

CaRtOoNz: I gotta intervene! *Takes out his shotgun*

Delirious: *Pulls CaRtOoNz's shotgun away* . . .! . . .! . . .! (Of course not! You need to stay here! I am not going to let you kill RacingCatz or Tyler!)

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