Fun with Delirium (Ask #66-68 + Dare #13-14)

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Dare from TheDeliriousFamily ,

"Taya: Hey WildCat! Just wanted to see how my big brother is doing! I hope that everyone is treating you nicely*smiles insanely wide with dark red eyes before smiling to WildCat* I dare Vanoss to be nice to WildCat and NOT abuse or hurt him for 7 chapters! The same goes for everyone or WildCat will be home with me! *sees Lui and blushes before closing the TV* Riley: *turns the TV back on to show Taya on the couch, covering her face with her hands* Okay! I dare Ohm to give me cuddles because I'm gay and why not? I love bunnies anyway! Bunnies are the ctest and maybe sexiest if you treat them right~"

~At Vanoss~

Vanoss: You shouldn't worry about that. I won't be back at base for a while, hopefully, 7 chaps, so by then the dare is over, and I can't treat him bad if I'm away.

???: Mr. Vanoss?

Vanoss: . . .Yea?

???: Sattelizer is ready to see you.

Vanoss: . . . *Walks to Sattelizer's office*

~At the Base~

Ohm: Oh~, I'd love to cuddle you~. *Opens his arms* Come here baby~.

CaRtOoNz: *Pulls out his guns*

Droidd: *Makes his hands spark violently*

Basically: Um. . .Ohm, we can't open portals & stuff right now.

Ohm: Oh, that's too bad. . .I wanted to cuddle him.

Droidd: *Stops, and smiles* Ohmwrecker, I'll always let you have some cuddles.

CaRtOoNz: *Puts his guns away* I'll give you the best cuddles.

Ohm: Aww, you guys are so sweet~.

Basically: Phew.

KarmaXKid  "Kid: OOOH, OHM HAS DEAD OR GREY OR LIFELESS EYES? SO COOL! I find those type of guys awesome! Karma: Ah, fuck this Shit, I'm tired. I'mma sleep. *fades away* X: Bye. *click's fingers, walls that used to surround Karma vanishes*. You lost your voice? How tragic. However, your silence is loud and clear for me. Despite your loss, you speak volumes. Kid:... What? X: You will understand once your life is in shambles. For now, enjoy your childhood. Kid: Um... Okay! Question, is it really hot for you? Where I'm at, it's summer and it's HOT! And-oh, gosh... I feel sick..."

Ohm: Well. . .It's not cool. It's. . .ugly. I didn't die, I'm alive. My eyes. . .I told you, I just. . .lost the light from my eyes.

Basically: You must've had a traumatic experience, Ohm.

Ohm: Yea. . .you could say that.

Basically: It's such a shame that someone who has rare eyes have to lose the light from their eyes. I'm pretty sure you look cool.

Ohm: *Blushes a bit* Aww, Marcel~. *Pins Basically to the wall*

Basically: *Blush* O-Ohm?

Ohm: I would like to show you my eyes, and let you research it to get data, but. . .I'm not ready yet. Maybe. . .if you would let me have sex with you, I'll think about it. So. . .what do you say, hun~?

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