Lock Maker (Ask #467-473 + Dare #108)

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~A Week Later~

Wildcat: *Hugging his knees & on the corner of his bed* (I should just. . .leave. . .)

Delirium: *Knocks on Wildcat's door* Kitty? I brought you cookies. . .Jon & I made it together.

Wildcat: . . .*Walks to the door & opens it* Thank you, Jason. . .

Delirium: *Smiles* You're welcome!

Delirious: . . . (Tyler, everything is fine. Vanoss recovered, don't worry about what Smii7y said a week ago.)

Wildcat: . . .I want to see him. . .


Lui: No fucking way!

Nogla: Kid. . .

Lui: Why can't we see Vanoss!?

Basically: It's a little complicated, but I think it's the best for him. He feels like his chest is burning, and it's better to not give him emotional weight.

Lui: The fuck you mean 'emotional weight'!?

Basically: Making him feel emotions more than the pain he has, who knows what Smii7y did to him. I need to research more, and it's better to keep him asleep.

Droidd: Boss has been feeling a lot of guilt about the whole Mini situation. . .

Basically: We need to give him some rest.

Lui: *Grabs Basically's shirt* If you put Vanoss in a coma or something, I'm fucking killing you! *Tears up*

Basically: I promise, Vanoss will be okay.

Nogla: There's no lie in Marcel's words, kid.

Lui: *Pulls away* . . .Vanoss. . .

Terroriser: *Crying* Evan. . .

Moo: *Holds Terroriser's shoulders* Come on, you need to get your shit together.

Terroriser: *Nods*

Wildcat: *Crying, being hugged by Jiggly*

Jiggly: It's okay, Tyler. . .it's okay.

Flashback Ended.

Delirious: *Smiles* . . . (I'm sure we can go see him.)

Wildcat: (One last time. . .) *Smiles a bit*

Delirious: . . .? (Tyler. . .are you. . .really. . .okay?)

Wildcat: I'm okay.

~At Vanoss~

Terroriser: Evan, are you okay?

Vanoss: I'm fine. . .

Terroriser: I-I got you medicine. *Hands medicine to Vanoss*

Vanoss: Thanks. *Takes the medicine*

Basically: Boss, among further research, you don't have major injures. Is your chest feeling alright?

Vanoss: Yea, I'm fine. I just. . .can't believe it's been a week.

Droidd: We tried our best to cover your work.

Terroriser: Evan. . .I. . .

Vanoss: . . .*Pats Terroriser's head* Stop making that face, Brian. It's not like you.

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