Consequences #2 (Ask #446-449)

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Flashback from the "Plan" :

Cosmic_glass  "Aww Mini how sweet was that saying about the crew, hehe but yeah it can be irritating , in a fun way. And right now your brother and jiggly are fighting because I think of something with being a "leader" hopefully you can help sort things out, I'm counting on you *smiles* good luck"

MiniLadd: Yea thanks. . .*sigh*

RacingCatz: . . .I really can't believe that Tyler did this to you.

MiniLadd: I can't either.

Question from lunatictedd16 ,

"You okay, vanoss? I can see you are getting a lot of hate. I'm sorry that this is happening to you guys... hopefully this drama ends soon..."

Vanoss: . . .

Terroriser: Evan. . .don't listen to them okay? You need rest.

Vanoss: I know. . .

Cosmic_glass  " things escalated quickly, hey Mini good thing you took a min to calm down , anywayy..... I apologize that the word cute offended you *sighs, looks away*............................................ I hope you feel better."

MiniLadd: It sure did.

RacingCatz: . . .Where are the others?

Delirious: . . . (They're on a mission.)

RacingCatz: . . .*Looks at Vanoss* . . .*Looks away* I shouldn't pressure him.

AWolfsJourney "Look, I'm sorry ok? I'm just worried for all of you ok. I get it, but I can still understand the situation and I'm just speaking what I think. How about u guys just calm down a bit, rest and I'll be on my way. I was just talking, no need to be rude. Sorry..."

MiniLadd: Oh really?

Moo: You & Brian need to chill for a bit.

MiniLadd: 'Chill'? You're saying not to defend ourselves from being fucking insulted! They say things we don't like, and they're gonna get it!

Terroriser: I'm. . .really sorry. It's just. . .all these pressures. . .& fears. . .made me want to. . .yell. I'm sorry if I hurt you.

Delirious: *Pats Terroriser's back* . . . (I'm sure they'll forgive you guys.)

Question from KarmaXKid ,

"Karma: Yay, Mini will remain a bitch. Wanna write that on your tombstone?

X: *nudges him roughly*

Kara: Ow! What?

X: Don't speak like that.

Karma: Sarcasm is my sense of humour."

CaRtOoNz: *Giggles* That's a great quote. Hey Mini, you should totally do that.

MiniLadd: Oh yea? How about I grave it into your back, and you become my living tombstone, huh?

CaRtOoNz: You wanna die?

Join My Crew Season #2 (Ask 2pYoutubers)Where stories live. Discover now