Mental Breakdown

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In 2pUniverse, "Phew! I'm glad it worked out alright." Said Terroriser. "Nothing is alright, Brian." Said MiniLadd. "Um. . ." Terroriser looked at Wildcat, who was still sad, and said, "I'm sorry about what happened." Wildcat remained silent. "Stop being sad over a bitch." Said Vanoss. "She was his sister, you insensitive bastard! What would you do if you & Mini were in the situation!?" said Jiggly. "I would do anything to make him mine." Said Vanoss, and MiniLadd blushed a bit. "Then wh-" "Because! . . .Mini & I have memories of our childhood, our memories match. We were together, even if we aren't related, we're brothers. In Tyler & Taya's case, Taya was the only one who had memories of Tyler, but Tyler doesn't. Even 1pTyler didn't know, there's no evidence. It's just words of manipulation. She did say she has a power to mind-control the ones I love, I love my crew, Tyler is one of the crew. She just manipulated & cause this chaos! There's no way I can trust her!" said Vanoss. "You bastard. . .you're heartless as fuck! Stop treating Tyler like this! He's a human! Nothing different from all of us!" said Jiggly. "Yea, the species, but inside is far different." "Of course, that's what humans are!" "This is the reality in this universe. . .deal with it." Said Vanoss. "You-" Jiggly cut off as Wildcat grabbed his arm.

"Tyler. . ." said Jiggly. ". . .I get it. . .You really don't care. . .right, Vanoss?" said Wildcat with tears. "Why do you like to torture me? IS IT FUN!?" asked Wildcat. ". . .It's not fun. I'm doing it, cause. . .*sigh* I understand how much you want your real family, but this is not the way. You belong in this 2pUniverse, she belongs in another universe. You have to deal with it." Said Vanoss, and Wildcat let go of Jiggly's arm, and said, "I. . .I. . .I don't want to forget about. . .Taya. . .I miss her. She's my sister, no matter what you or anyone says! SHE'S MY SISTER!" shouted Wildcat with tears. Vanoss slowly walks up to Wildcat. "I don't care. . .she showed me love. . .family love. . .I wanted for a long time. . .in this rough environment. She gave me hope. . .I lost my parents. . .I have no relatives. . .she's the only one I have. . .DON'T TAKE THIS AWAY FROM ME!"

Suddenly, Vanoss pulled Wildcat into a hug, and said, ". . .Reality cannot change. . .this is how our Universe works. Tyler. . .I know how much you want her in your life, but. . .when it comes to reality & multiple universe. . .you can't twist it. I'm sorry. . ." Wildcat hugs Vanoss back, and cried, "I'm sorry. . ." Some of the others smiles, and after few more seconds, they released each other. Wildcat wipes his tears, and smiles a bit. Vanoss smiles back at him, then turns to the others. ". . .I missed you guys."

Ohm hugged Vanoss, and said, "I missed you so much, Evy! Give me a kiss~!" Vanoss smirked, and said, "Fine, you slut~." Vanoss kissed Ohm, and Ohm kissed back, after few seconds, they parted. "Oh Evy~!" said Ohm, and hugs Vanoss tighter. "Alright, alright, get off me, Ohm." "It's good to have you back." Said Basically with a smile. "How were the 1ps?" asked Nogla. ". . .I still dislike some, but I do like them a bit better." Replied Vanoss. "That's great, you had fun, and we had to go through hell of a trouble." Said Bryce. ". . ." said Delirious with a giggle. "I had some fun." Giggled Droidd. "Really? It was kind a boring for me. Vanoss, get us a mission to kill bitches!" said Cartoonz. "I'd like that." Said Moo with a smirk. "Sounds like fun~!" said Fourzer0. "Too bad, you're not an official member." Said Nogla giggling.

Ohm released Vanoss, and Vanoss walked up to Terroriser. "Hey Brian. . ." "Yea?" asked Terroriser. ". . .I'm sorry." "F-For what?" "I know that I strangled you." Said Vanoss, and Terroriser's eyes widened. ". . .I'm sorry, you're my best friend, and. . .I hurt you. . .I just. . .wanted to apologize." Said Vanoss with a little blush. ". . .You've grown to be honest, Evan." Giggled Terroriser, and hugged Vanoss. "B-Brian!" "I forgive you, my friend!" said Terroriser with a smile, and Vanoss hugs back. "Thanks." "Aww, friendship~." Giggled Nogla. "S-Shut up!" said Vanoss blushing a bit, and others started giggling. They let go of each other, then Vanoss walked up to Lui.

"Lui." "Y-Yes?" asked Lui, and Vanoss pat Lui's head. "Did I disappoint you?" "What? Never!" said Lui. "Lui. . ." said Vanoss, and Lui looked at Vanoss. "Thanks for looking up to me." Vanoss softly hugged Lui, and Lui blushed hard. "V-V-Vanoss, I-I, of course I look up to you, a-a-and you don't n-need to t-t-thank me!" said Lui in a blushing mess, Vanoss giggled a bit, then kissed Lui's forehead. "Maybe sometime, I could teach you my moves." "R-Really?" "Sure." Said Vanoss. "Yes!" said Lui, and hugged Vanoss, he had hearts in his eyes. "You're the best!" Vanoss blushes a bit, and softly hugs Lui back. Lui realized that he was hugging Vanoss, and soon pulls away with a blush. "S-Sorry." "No need." Said Vanoss, and pat Lui's head.

Vanoss then walks up to MiniLadd, and said, "Craig, thanks for caring about me, and lied that you hurt Brian." "You could've said it earlier, so I didn't have to lie." Said MiniLadd with his arms crossed. ". . .You know, the 1p version of you taught me something." "Like what?" "He taught me how to show love to your sibling. You were there for me. . .when I needed. I just want to say. . .thanks." Vanoss' eyes widened as he saw MiniLadd with tears. "Craig?" asked Vanoss.

"D-Don't. . ." "What?" MiniLadd pushed Vanoss, and said, "Don't look at me!" MiniLadd's body didn't move anymore. . .he couldn't wipe his tears, he wanted to run, but couldn't. His tears kept sliding down his cheeks. "Mini. . ." said Terroriser. Suddenly, Vanoss pulled him into a hug, and said, ". . .Craig, you're a crybaby." MiniLadd gripped on Vanoss' jacket, and said, "I. . .hate you. . ." "I know." MiniLadd started crying, and cried on Vanoss' shoulder. "I fucking hate you, Evan!" cried MiniLadd, tightening the grip. "I hate you as well, brother." Said Vanoss.

MiniLadd felt so tired. . .he kept all his emotions in himself, kept his poker face, but. . .Vanoss being honest. . .MiniLadd's emotion pour out uncontrollably. He always knows what's the best for Vanoss, but not for himself. His emotions just poured out like a waterfall. . .The crew all remained silent, and watched them. MiniLadd is having. . .a Mental Breakdown.

"I. . .I tried! I did it, and it. . .was it. . .worth it? All these troubles! Evan! I don't know anymore!" said MiniLadd. "It was worth it. You hate wasting your energy. . .I know." Said Vanoss, and MiniLadd shakes his head. "It's not. . .It's not. . .I'm tired. . .please. . .don't look at me. . .I don't want you to see me. . .like this. . ." "It's not fair though, Craig." ". . .It's. . .I'm. . .I'M NOT WORTH ANYTHING!" "Shut the fuck up Craig. . .You worth a lot to me." "Evan. . .I'm. . .so. . .tired. . ." "I give you permission to have a break." Said Vanoss, and MiniLadd closed his eyes. "Evan. . ." "Yes?" ". . .I love you. . ." whispered MiniLadd, then. . .passed out. ". . .I know. Love you too." Replied Vanoss.

The next day. . .MiniLadd woke up on his bed. . .with Vanoss next to him. ". . .My head hurts. . .what the fuck happened? Wait. . ." MiniLadd looked at Vanoss. . .he took a deep breathe, and shouted, "EVAN!" Vanoss woke up, and said, "You asshole! What the fuck!?" "Wake up, you ass." Said MiniLadd, and stood up from the bed. ". . .You bastard!" said Vanoss, and jumped onto MiniLadd, and they both fell. "Ahhh! You bitch!" "You're the one who made me in a bad mood!" "It's not my concern! Get off bitch!" "Fuck you!" "Evan, I will kill you!" "Try it!"

Terroriser came in, and giggled, "Fighting like always?" "Mini yelled at me just to wake me up, seriously, he's an asshole!" "And you're a bitch! You pussy, get the fuck off me!" "Hell no, I'm gonna fucking blow your ear drums!" "Let me in!" said Terroriser, and jumped onto them.

"BRIAN!" yelled Vanoss & MiniLadd, and Terroriser giggled. "Also, the members are here already." Said Terroriser. "Then get off!" said MiniLadd. "After I blow your ear drums!" said Vanoss. "I'll help Evan!" said Terroriser. "I HATE YOU GUYS!" yelled MiniLadd. . .with a giggle.

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