Evans (Ask #286-291)

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Question from H2OVanoss2016 ,

"Craig if I put you in a horrible situation will you be able to handle it

Question for Luke would you call yourself sexy and gang bang 2pTyler"

Craig: Uh. . .depends, but I believe in myself, so yea. I think I can handle it.

Brian: You put up a flag.

Craig: What?

Brock: Let's hope nothing happens, k?

Luke: Yes, I call myself "sexy~", and first, I cannot gang bang, cause I am alone, one guy, okay? Second, I do not have sex with someone else than my babe, and his name is OHMWRECKER!

Ryan: *Blushes* T-Toonzie!

Ohm: *Giggles* Aww, so lovely~, huh~?

Luke: *Pulls Ryan close* I only have sex with my bunny babe~. *Kisses Ryan's cheek*

Ryan: *Blushes harder & buries his blushed face in Luke's chest* Toonzie. . .

Luke: *Giggles* Love you Ryan~.

Ryan: *Mumbles* Love you too.

Ohm: So cute~. I wish someone would hold me like that.

CaRtOoNz: I mean. . .I'm right here, ya know. *Smirks*

Droidd: I'll hold you anytime, Ohmwrecker. *Smiles*

Sattelizer: You can come to me, and I'll hold you all day & night~. *Winks*

Ohm: *Blush* Oh my~.

H20vanossfan109 "Hands Bryce a cookie* There you go!! :3"

McQuaid: Thank you. *Smiles*

Question from GalaxysilverWolf ,

"Okay so 2p Ohm ever heard of a yaoi cafe? 2p Bryce can probably explain it but a yaoi cafe is where you can ask for two guys to do a romantic scene for you id think you'll like it considering you like that kind of stuff also!"

Bryce: I don't watch gay anime.

Gorillaphent: But you know what it means huh?


Ryan: Please stop!

Ohm: Sounds interesting~, but I prefer to be in the action~.

Sattelizer: I knew that you're gonna say that.

Ohm: Oh milady~, you know me too well~. *Giggles*

"2p Tyler if someone *cough cough* vanoss *cough cough* flirts with you just hand him a piece of paper that says "hey" and the other side says "fuck off" this can also work for 2p Delirious too since his weakness and all"

Wildcat: Uh. . .thank you, but. . .I don't think I need it.

407: Yea, obviously, since you have a shield.

Wildcat: What?

407: Nothing.

Delirious: . . . (Well. . .)

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