Awakened the Power? (Ask #345-349)

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H2OVanoss2016  "Here's a pie slap in the face for everyone and double the pie slap for the meanies and a punch in the balls for Mini"

MiniLadd: Fuck you! Brian, give me a towel!

Terroriser: Okay, okay. *Grabs a towel & hands it to MiniLadd*

Question from Cosmic_glass ,

"Hey! >:[ Mini I kinda feel bad that you can't express your feeling that well. But I know that is a very wrong time but can you feel love?"

MiniLadd: I am a human, you know. I can feel love, it's just. . .I rarely feel it.

Terroriser: You shut people out too much.

MiniLadd: Shut up, I don't want them near me.

MangoesandHoes "Maybe mini has PTSD and thats why he lashed out on tyler? The attempted kiss did remind him if someone who died"

MiniLadd: . . .Maybe. Brian, sorry, didn't mean to-

Terroriser: No, it's fine-

Basically: DELIRIOUS!

MiniLadd: Huh?

Terroriser: What was. . .that?

abbyloveanime18 "Me: now that 2p marcel said 2p delirious to be honest I haven't seen 2p delirious for a while now. I hope nothing bad happened to him."

MiniLadd: We're about to find out. *Runs out the room*

Terroriser: Wait Mini! *Goes after*

Insane_Galaxy123 "~{YOUR EVIL}~ Alex: oh gosh no more drama

Adrein: shut up alex what happened

*galaxy was confused she had just came out the kitchen with some food for alex, adrien, herself and the BBS olny to see this*"

lunatictedd16  "Im scared, what's going on?! Please let everyone be ok and NOT injured..."

MiniLadd: I goddamn hope so.

H20vanossfan109  "I am so confused as to what just happened-"

VanShipperz  "Same here"

MiniLadd: We are too.

Terroriser: It's not good, that's pretty sure.

AWolfsJourney "Omg! I'm so worried about Basically that I could hold onto Ohm for comfort! And I know that's an instant death!"

MiniLadd: You're gonna be dead for sure.

Terroriser: Okay, there's no more time reacting to comments!

MiniLadd: Fuck you, I know!

Questions from AWolfsJourney ,

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