Relatable (Ask #396-399)

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Question from thestars-ash ,


Basically: Well. . .it's more like a gadget bag, and it's kinda similar.

407: *Yawn* Jesus, it's almost midnight.

Nogla: Hey Noah, you okay with your work?

Noah: Yea, don't worry about it.

Question from gamergal1 ,

"Hey guys long time no see eh.....I haven't read any of the last chapters so.....what's going on? 😶"

Nogla: *Giggles* Does anyone read anymore?

Basically: Well. . .where should we start explaining? Okay. . .we're currently on a mission. Wildcat & I caused some troubles to the crew, and this mission is to redeem ourselves.

Nogla: Short enough.

Basically: Maybe too short. I could go into details.

407: Please don't.


AddictedShipper  "Ahh wtf i cant belive it..... well thanks for the update! Also i kinda ship Nogla and.... uhh..... ohm?..... so uhhh good luck cuse im gonna come at ya with some freaky stuff now that im back... hueheuehuehueheue"

Nogla: *Giggles* Well, Ohm is pretty attractive.

Noah: . . .Are you & this. . .Ohm guy. . .a thing?

Nogla: Hmm? Not official, and I don't think we'll be a thing, since he's currently in a tug a war by two guys.

Basically: I wonder what the two are doing without Ohm.

lunatictedd16  "I just learned that I'm a asshole... I'm sorry for hurting anybody if I did... let the mission go well!"

Nogla: I'm sure it's alright, and everyone is an asshole, so don't worry.

Basically: Oh yea, Nogla, didn't you wanted to apologize to me about something?

Nogla: Oh yea! I wanted to apologize for lying.

Basically: . . .Lying about what?

Nogla: When I came here with the team. . .I kinda lied about my emotions. I acted that I was being angry when Wildcat fell down.

407: What?

Nogla: . . .I knew it would happen, and it actually wasn't a big deal, but. . .I used it as an advantage to lower Legiqn & Kryoz's guards down.

Legiqn: Are you serious?

Nogla: . . .The things I said are true, but my emotion was lying. That's why I wanted to apologize. And. . .I kinda lied after as well. . .so. . .sorry Marcel.

Basically: Nogla. . .

Nogla: *Smiles* I don't want to hide it, cause you'll find out eventually.

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