BasicallyIDoWrk Info - ImMarksman

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Name: Nick Birthplace: Iowa Species: American Gender: Male Hair Color: Blonde Skin Color: Peach Eyes: Green Current Affiliation: Insta-GramPolice Best Friend: None Partner: Kryoz & Legion Crush: None Personality: Strict, Stubborn & Intelligent Sib...

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Name: Nick Birthplace: Iowa Species: American Gender: Male Hair Color: Blonde Skin Color: Peach Eyes: Green Current Affiliation: Insta-GramPolice Best Friend: None Partner: Kryoz & Legion Crush: None Personality: Strict, Stubborn & Intelligent Sibling: None Work: In charge of mission deals, & taking care of Kryoz & Legiqn.

Interesting Facts: Marksman is a high rank police, he is the leader of a three-man partnership. He has a pretty good reputation & respect form his younger colleagues. He's quite strict to others, and in mission he does anything to save the innocents. He is extremely skilled in hand-to-hand combats.

Childhood: Marksman had a normal life as a kid, but it all crumbled when his parents were killed in a massacre. His parents did engage with some gangs, but they didn't do anything wrong. The murderer was never caught, and that kept him in rage. He had a kind-heart, he was courageous, always helping others & stepping up. He got involved into a crime, and he stood up against it. The police were impressed in his actions, and scouted Marksman to be a police.

Adulthood: When he became an adult, he gained a position as a young policeman. He worked hard, he was respected & trusted by some of the officers. Insta-GramPolice started a plan, arrest or kill the gangs. He was assigned to work for this plan. He had a tough time handling the gangs, and one day, he had to neutralize a gang, and Marksman obeyed, but ever since that, he started going against his superiors.

Currently: Marksman is a leader of a three-man partnership, and he risks his life to save the innocents. He never lets Legiqn, Kryoz or any of his younger colleagues to do a dirty & cold-blooded work, like he once did.

Skills: Acrobatic skills, hand-to-hand combat, average speed, super strength, skilled driver, skilled pilot, extreme martial artist, high senses, shooting skills

Yandere Level: 5/10

Ability Type: Skills

Mystery: Marksman is a respected officer, and there is a rumor that he had a child who was like a son to him, but there's no evidence. He is very determined to save the innocents & protecting his younger colleagues. There must be a reason that he disobeys the upper rank officers. 

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