The Saddest and Happiest Night Part II

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This is the sequel to the first oneshot, sorry if its trash :<


After a night of stormy rain and booming thunder, birds were chirping outside on trees.

Sadly, also the Terrible Terrors left for the Hidden World making the Berkian's decision become more surreal.

Outside, Snotlout, the twins, and Fishlegs were eating their breakfast in complete silence.

No more feeding their dragons, no more races, no more. All of them were extremely sad at this.

Suddenly, laughter came out of Hiccup's tent as he and Astrid walked outside hand-in-hand, happy as they can be.

Everyone stared at them, wondering why they were so happy.

"We're getting married" Astrid said softly, smiling like crazy when everyone ran at them to give them a hug.

"Finally!" Ruffnut and Tuffnut shouted at the same time, then glared at the other for saying the same thing.

"You guys are gonna be so happy" Fishlegs said, in awe of the couple.

Laughter and joy now filled the once sad plaza. Soon, villagers came out of their huts to see what was going on.

In a few minutes, everyone was out of their tents, waiting for an explanation.

The gang stopped jumping around as one villager cleared his throat.

Hiccup grinned and glanced at Astrid who was also smiling happily.

He got on the table, with Astrid's help, and stared at the crowd.

"Astrid and I are getting married!" He announced loudly.

Cheers and screams erupted, filling the island with a new happiness and joy.

Hiccup sat down on the table, grinning wildly at his future wife.

Astrid returned his grin, hooked the top of his tunic and pulled him into a kiss. More shouts were heard as the couple kissed.

They pulled apart, feeling so happy and excited. Hiccup got down and was immediately attacked by Astrid hugging his chest. He wrapped his arm around her and kissed the top of her head.

"To the chief and future chieftess!" Tuffnut shouted and everyone followed.

"To the chief and future chieftess!" The whole village shouted, smiling joyfully at the couple.


Ahhhh, sorry if it's trash! I rushed this one!

<3 Abby

Hiccstrid Oneshots: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now