Don't Touch Her

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Based on the picture above! It is so cute, I'm gonna cry. Happens half a year after HTTYD3. Enjoy!


The whole gang was hanging out on the cliff that was slightly away from everything else.
They were eating, laughing and, talking just like before.

Hiccup and Astrid were engaged, set to be married a year from then. They sat close to each other, Astrid leaning on Hiccup.

Everyone was so busy talking and laughing that they didn't see a dragon come into view. Not their dragons, but Grimmel's dragons.

Astrid chuckled and shook her head as Tuffnut made an awful joke about Snotlout, laughing at his stupidity. As she shook her head, something behind her friends caught her eye.

Death grippers, she thought fearfully in her head, opening her mouth to shout, but she was too late.

Darts flew at the gang, hitting and sending them to sleep. "No" Hiccup whispered, weakly as they all collapsed on the ground.

"Astrid" He called out softly, then falling unconscious beside her.


Astrid woke up to a start, she heard the loud sound of metal ringing and sat up quickly. Her back ached from the hard stone floor as she scanned the cell for the sound.

Her cell had bars covering the whole front and the sides with stone bricks. Across her cell, she saw a sleeping Hiccup. She immediately crawled towards his cell, frowning and checking to see if he was hurt.

"Hiccup!" She tried to call out, but only a raspy shrill noise came out of her throat. She cleared her throat, looking down the hallway and seeing more cells with more of her friends.

"Guys?" She managed to get out, looking back and forth the hallway to see if anyone else was awake. No one responded, making Astrid slump and bite her bottom lip.

She quickly stood up to her feet, walking back and forth, thinking of a way to save them. She spotted a small barred opening at the top of the wall and stood on her toes to see outside of it. She saw trees, sky, nothing distinct that could help them or tell them where they are.

Astrid groaned in irritation, continuing to pace back and forth. She could try to shout louder at her friends, but that would get the attention of their kidnapper. She could try to pick the lock? With what though? She could-

Her thoughts were interrupted as she heard a loud wood door creak open. She quickly lied down on the floor facing the back wall and pretended to sleep, knowing that if they caught her they would try to get something out of her.

Their captor walked down the hallway, looking at each cell for anyone who was awake. After seeing all of them, he shook his head.

"Weaklings" Grimmel muttered under his breath as he opened the door to Hiccup's cell.
He walked in the cell and kicked Hiccup's back hard, causing him to wake up.

Astrid, hearing Hiccup's groan of pain, boiled in anger. How dare they?! I will kill them!
Her frown faded as she heard his voice.

"Grimmel" Hiccup hissed, angrily while sitting up and inching away from his enemy. Hiccup frowned in confusion, how is he alive?

From her cell, Astrid gaped in shock. He died! We saw him die! Astrid thought in disbelief.

"Didn't we kill you already?" He sassed, crossing his arms across his chest and narrowing his eyes at him. Astrid grinned and rolled her eyes at her fiancé.

"I want you to lead me to the Hidden World" Grimmel proclaimed, ignoring Hiccup's remark. Hiccup scoffed and looked away from the white-haired man. His eyes landed on Astrid's figure, and immediately worried if she was okay.

"Never" Hiccup answered back, glaring at
"I'll make you, then" Grimmel grinned at him, laughing and shaking his head at the foolishness of Hiccup.

As he laughed at the him, he saw that Hiccup briefly looked at the cell across from him. Grimmel turned his eyes to Astrid's cell, causing Hiccup to stiffen.

"Or I'll make her" Grimmel stated, smirking and making a chill run down Hiccup's back.

Grimmel moved to the cell door and began to open it, but was interrupted by Hiccup shouting at him loudly.

"Don't!" He shouted loudly as Grimmel's hand touched the cell's lock. Grimmel raised his eyebrow and continued opening the door.

"You can break my soul" Hiccup started, making Grimmel stop to hear what he was going to say.

"Take my life away," He continued as Grimmel turned back to the auburn haired chief.
"Hurt me, kill me," Astrid pursed her lips and closed her eyes. Please don't do that to him, she cried in her head.

"But for the love of God" Hiccup looked over at his fiancé's body, feeling the need to protect her as much as he could. Astrid felt eyes on her, scared and loving ones.

"Don't touch her" Hiccup said in a scary demanding voice, keeping his eyes on his beloved. As he looked back at Grimmel, his eyes sent death glares that were so heavy that he felt he was being pulled down.

Grimmel attempted to keep his composure, straightening his back. "We'll see" He shot back, turning around and steeping out the door. He quickly locked it shut and walked back down the hall way, out the room.

Hiccup grimaced as he heard the wooden door slam shut. He quickly went over to his cell's bars, looking over at Astrid's and then at everyone else's. He sighed, thinking he was the only one conscious, and put his hand over his eyes.

"Hiccup?" Astrid called out, softly while turning around and sitting up to face him. Hiccup's face lit up, hearing her voice, and he gave her a small smile.

"Astrid" He replied with a happy sigh as he looked into her blue eyes which sparkled even from afar. Astrid edged towards his cell, wanting to be as close as possible to him.

"Are you hurt?" Hiccup asked worriedly as she held one of the bars. Astrid shook her head and briefly looked back down the hallway.

"There's an barred opening at the top of the back walls, but all I could see in mine were trees and sky." She said, sighing softly as Hiccup went to go and check his.

"Same here" He replied, sadly as he sat back down in front of the bars. "Nothing that sets it apart" He added while shaking his head at her.

"I heard what you said" Astrid stated, looking down at the floor and biting her cheek. Hiccup tilted his head at her, trying to see her face.
Astrid looked back at him, smiling and slightly blushing. Hiccup smiled back, chuckling.

"You're my fiancé. Of course, I would say that" Hiccup told her, making her blush even more as she stared into his forest green eyes.

"I would go through anything as long as he doesn't touch you" He said sincerely, his heart filled with love for her.

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