Playful and Happy

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Hi guys! This oneshot has no plot at all, I don't know how I managed to stretch it to 700+ words 😂

This takes place after HTTYD3! Enjoy!

EDIT: Hi, I dragged this to the top because it's more representative of what this book has ❤️ pls keep reading 🤣

LOL OTHER EDIT: All requests here will be published in my next book, Hiccstrid Oneshots: Book 2!


It was a quiet afternoon on New Berk, Hiccup just arrived home and went to get food, after he changed out of his armor.

Astrid was on a chair, her hair down and without her armor, reading her book. Hiccup smiled as he walked in the room and briefly kissed her head while walking to the cabinet.

She hummed softly in reply and continued reading her book. After Hiccup drank water, he heard Astrid humming something.

She casually hummed 'For the Dancing and the Dreaming' as she turned the page. Hiccup grinned at her and continued with what he was doing.

When he joined in on the humming, she briefly glanced at him and smiled. They hummed it together while she read and he ate.

At the end, they looked up at each other and broke out in laughter. Hiccup clutched his stomach, doubling over and Astrid put down her book and leaned back, laughing.

"We're so lame" Astrid laughed out as Hiccup went over to her and sat down on the armrest of her chair. He chuckled and nodded.

"It was fun though" Hiccup said and leaned down to briefly kiss her on the lips. She grinned and pulled him down, pressing their lips together longer.

"I love how we can be playful like this" He told her and smiled, as they pulled back.

"The only time we aren't is when there's a serious situation happening" She adds, giving him a pointed look and taking his hand in hers.

"Even then, we're still kinds playful, don't you think?" He asks, thinking of their conversation and impersonations on Itchy Armpit last year.

"Umm- I, I don't-don't know. Umm" Astrid mocked his voice, also remembering the moment he was thinking about. Hiccup rolled his eyes and held her shoulders down.

"Do I really sound like that?" He asked, giving her an amused look when she nodded and grinned. He raised her eyebrow and she gave him an innocent smile.

"Of course, babe. Why would I lie to you?" She started, tilting her head and pouting. He rolled his eyes and grinned as she began talking.

"You, the brave and strong chief of Berk. The one and only dragon master, the pride of Berk, and most of all-" She propped up her elbow on the other arm rest and rested her head on her hand.

"My husband-to-be" She said in fake innocence, showing her crystal blue eyes to him and smiling sweetly. He grinned and lifted her chin with his hand.

"You're cute" Hiccup mumbled and kissed her on the lips. Astrid kissed back and placed her hands on his cheeks. They pulled back and smiled at each other.

"You're cute too" She replied and twirled a piece of his hair in one hand, smiling.

"I know, thank you very much for noticing, m'lady" He replied, smugly, and tilted his head into her hand. She scoffed and grinned at him.

"I know, thank you very much for noticing, m'lady" She teased, copying him again. He groaned, trying to hide his smile and fake being annoyed.

She laughed happily as he stood up from the chair and walked back to the kitchen cabinets. She picked up her book and began reading again, smiling.

He looked back at her from the cabinet and smiled. She looked so beautiful with her hair down, just reading a book. He sighed in content and walked back over to her.

"Hmm?" She hummed questioningly and looked up at him as he cupped her cheeks and kissed her again.

"Man, you really find me irresistible" She mumbled, grinning, as they separated from the kiss. He laughed and took her hand.

"I love you soooo much" Hiccup told her, tucking a stray hair behind her ear. She leaned her face on his hand on her cheek and smiled.

"I love you too" Astrid replied and put her hand on his. He smile widened as he looked deep into her blue eyes.

"Now, go. I really wanna finish this book" She said, making them laugh and Hiccup walk away. She continued reading her book once more, thinking of his cute laugh.

"I love you sooo much" She mimicked and grinned once she saw that he left the room.

"I heard that and I have taken offense!" He shouted from the other room, making her laugh softly and look back down at her book.

Very playful...and very happy too, Astrid thought in her head about their relationship.

Hiccstrid Oneshots: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now