My Bonnie

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Hi guys! I know Astrid's parents are in the wedding scene in HTTYD3, but just imagine for this one :>

Happens after Tone Death at S3 E9, they aren't dating yet! Enjoy'


The gang sat at the table in the Clubhouse, eating and talking about the long day they had with the Death song.

"You guys, singing is hard!" Ruffnut said, getting nods and murmurs of agreement.

"What? No way!" Snotlout denied, leaning back on his chair, only to fall of it because there was no back. Everyone laughed at him as he sat back down and glared.

"Whatever. I sang beautifully" He told them and smirked smugly, crossing his arms over his chest. Tuffnut scoffed and shook his head.

"Uh-uh! I sang the best!" Tuffnut argued, raising a finger in the air with a proud look on his face. Hiccup rolled his eyes at his friends.

"Okay, enough. No more arguing over who sang the best. It was hard and that's it" Hiccup stated and looking everyone in the eye.

"Yeah guys. Singing for the whole day was hard enough as it is. Let's leave it at that" Astrid backed him up, getting sniggers from the rest except for Heather and Hiccup who just looked away.

"What?" She asked, raising her eyebrow at them all. Then, they all bursted into laughter.

"You should say that!" Snotlout guffawed and held his stomach, laughing. Ruffnut laughed and gave him a high-five.

"What? Was my singing that bad?" Astrid asked, narrowing her eyes and folding her arms as everyone laughed louder. She looked over at Hiccup and he shrugged at her.

"Well, uh. You weren't singing, pleasantly" Hiccup told her lamely and instantly regretted it when he saw the hurt flash in her eyes. She frowned and looked back at everyone.

"We could've died and my main focus was not doing that! Not singing!" Astrid defended herself, standing up and slamming her hands on the table. Everyone quieted down and she sat back down, fuming.

"Well, with your singing we could've died too" Tuffnut murmured under his breath, but everyone heard it and laughed aloud. Astrid puffed in anger and left, mounting Stormfly and flying off.

Hiccup frowned worriedly at her retreating figure and looks back at the group as they laughed. "Guys. We messed up" He sighed, making them look down at their laps in shame.

He stood up and followed after Astrid, knowing where she went. He got on Toothless and flew off to the woods where she was probably throwing her axe at poor trees.


The moment they landed, Astrid slid off her dragon and curled her knees up to her chest, resting her head on then and wrapping her arms around her legs.

She sighed and leaned her head against Stormfly's head, breathing deeply. She thought about what her friends had said about her and she bit her lip.

Then a memory came, making Astrid fearfully close her eyes and remember that one night as a little girl in her hut.

"Oh, Stormfly" She sighed and looked down at her feet, picking at the dirt. Then, she looked up at her dragon's innocent face and smiled.

Toothless and Hiccup landed just a few trees away from them and couldn't find them until they heard Astrid's sad voice.

Hiccup turned around and hid behind a bush, looking at his friend who was smiling sadly at her dragon. It made him sad that she was hurt because of this, but he just didn't know why it hurt her so badly.

"My mom used to sing to me. The exact same song, every single night until she died" Astrid told her dragon, looking at the ground in remembrance with tears in her eyes. 

Hiccup frowned at her as she talked and he saw tears form in her eyes, feeling tears in his own. Astrid's mom was an incredibly touchy subject  and she only spoke about her a few times.

He remembered her telling him that her mom died of sickness when she was only 6 years old and how sad she was, talking about her.

Gods, we messed up, badly. Hiccup cursed at himself in his head as Astrid began talking again.

"She'd come into my room and tuck me in. Then, she would sing me the song to make me go to sleep" She continued, tears falling out of her eyes as she spoke.

"Sometimes, I would sing with her and she would smile at me." Astrid said, smiling a little as she remembered her mother's smiling face looking down at her.

"It was so ironic because the song was about loss and I lost-" She sniffed, wiping off the tears from her face.

"I lost her" Astrid finished in a small whimper and sobbed lightly into her hands. Stormfly frowned and cuddled against her, trying to comfort her.

Hiccup felt his heart break at the sight of her tears and wanted to punch himself for making her feel that way.

"I never sang again, girl" She added in between soft cries. She opened her eyes and looked at her hands, not being able to see with all the tears.

'Astrid, don't cry, honey. Mommy is here' Her mother's voice echoed through her head and a tune started playing.

Tears fell from Hiccup's face as he watched Astrid cry in sadness over her mother's death, knowing that he caused it and he couldn't stop the pain.

Astrid calmed down and closed her eyes, recalling the tune and the lyrics that came with it. She sighed deeply and leaned back against her dragon.

"My Bonnie lies over the ocean,
My Bonnie lies over the sea.
My Bonnie lies over the ocean.
Oh bring back my Bonnie to me." She sang softly, hearing her mother sing with her and looking up at the starry sky that started getting fuzzier every second with tears.

Hiccup hated himself so much as he listened to Astrid's singing and felt his heart melt at how good she was. He hated that they teased her and made her cry.

I made her cry, He kept thinking and heard tears fall to the ground bellow him.

"Bring back, bring back
Bring back my Bonnie to me, to me
Bring back, bring back" Astrid continued singing, but began crying again.

Hiccup rushed over to her side, feeling his heart break in a million pieces as he watched her in her sorrow.

"Bring back my Bonnie to me" She whimpered out, closing her eyes to stop the tears from falling down her face. She felt warm arms wrap around her and instantly new who it was.

She hugged his chest and cried into it, feeling him kiss the top of her head. She looked up and saw Hiccup's sad green eyes that were glazed in tears.

"She's gone, Hiccup. G-gone" Astrid whispered softly as he cupped her cheeks and wiped away her tears.

"I'm so sorry, Astrid. I-i didn't know that it was a big thing. I am so, so sorry" Hiccup apologized, tears gleaming on his cheeks. Astrid just hugged him again tightly and sobbed into his chest.

"I forgive you. Just hug me? please?" She asked in a small voice and felt him nod, hugging her back.

"I'm still so sorry. I'm here for you" He mumbled into her hair, feeling her nod and rest her head on his shoulder. 

"I love you" She muttered and shut her eyelids tightly to stop her from crying. Although it was a sad moment, she still felt love for Hiccup and wanted to tell him how she felt.

Hiccup smiled sadly and felt his heart flutter at her words. "I love you too, Astrid" He replied and hugged her tighter, meaning every word he said.

Hiccstrid Oneshots: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now