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Tuff: H, can you give us back our nicknames??

Hiccup: Why do I need to?

Fishlegs: I'm with Hiccup

Tuffnut: Oh shut up
Tuffnut: They were a place to share our creativity and skills!

Ruffnut: Yeah!

Hiccup: Fine. If you really want them back here,

-Hiccup turned on Nicknames-

DragonRider: You happy?

KABOOM#2: Are we, dear brother?

KABOOM:We are very, dear sister.

AxeLady19: Why are these nicknames so important to you guys?

WomanMagnet: Because they show who we really are!

AxeLady19: Oh really? Then you should change your name to Woman Repellant

WomanMagnet: It's okay, babe. I know you love me.

AxeLady19: You do know, I HATE YOU

KABOOM#2: Amen, sister!

SmartyPantz: Ditto to that!

KABOOM: Aw, it's okay Snotlout. Maybe some freak out there will love you.

WomanMagnet: Whatever, you guys. I know you're just jealous and hopelessly in love with me 😏

AxeLady19: I swear to Odin, if you say that one more time!

WomanMagnet: See, Astrid loves me!

-AxeLady19 is offline-

DragonRider: Snotlout
DragonRider: Uhhh, you are so dead.

WomanMagnet: what?

DragonRider: Astrid left the hut with her axe and boy did she look angry.

WomanMagnet: WHAT?!

SmartyPantz: Wait, H. How do you know that?

KABOOM: Yeah. How do you know that! Are you a genie or something?

DragonRider: No, we were in my hut. What even, Tuff?

KABOOM#2: Doing what? OoOooooh

DragonRider: Uhhhhh.....

-DragonRider is offline-

WomanMagnet: Ew! Were they making-out?!

SmartyPantz: Uhh, Snotlout, I think you have different priorities right now. Like, running away from Astrid with and axe who is chasing you!?

Hiccstrid Oneshots: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now