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Hi guys! Another request ❤️ This happens during HTTYD2, imagine this right before the war. Stoick is still alive here! Enjoy!


Astrid and Stormfly landed in the ice cave that they were told to go to. She gasped softly when she heard a clattering of sounds near by.

Scanning the cave, she found an opening and went inside with her axe ready. She looked around and found nothing but parchment and a desk.

Astrid turned around to go back, but was pushed to the wall and saw a sword pressed against her neck. She felt the cold metal on her neck and the wall pressed up against her back, looking up to see a pair of familiar green eyes.

"Hiccup?" "Astrid?" They both said at the same time and dropped their weapons, smiling widely at each other.

Hiccup sighed in relief as he wrapped her in a hug and she hugged him back.

"I was scared I lost you. " She mumbled into his chest, making him shake his head.

"You'll never lose me, m'lady" He said back and brought her closer to him. Then, he pulled back and she saw his eyes lighting up, making her grin even wider.

"I have so much to tell you! First, I found my mom!" Hiccup told her excitedly as she gaped and her eyes widened. They both held onto each other's forearms, happily looking into each other's eyes.

"That's amazing! What's she like?" Astrid asked with the same sparkle of excitement in her eyes as Hiccup has.

"She's just like me, Astrid! She loves dragons! She has a whole Sanctuary of them and an Alpha!" He gushed and a shook her arm a little.

"Woah! Another dragon rider and Alpha that are both good!" Astrid exclaimed and Hiccup nodded his head, then sighed.

"But now, we called you because there's gonna be a war. With Drago. Right here and now" He said seriously, both their faces falling.

"Hiccup, a battle with Drago?!" She asked him, panic rising inside of her. She bad seen and talked to Drago and it did not go well. She saw what he could do to them, how much they could lose to him.

"When we were captured and saw Drago, we found out that you're dad's right. He is a crazy madman who forces a dragon to obey him" She continued, her frown spreading to him.

"And you want a war with him? That's stupid and crazy. It's crazy stupid" Astrid told him, staring right into his bright green eyes with concern.

"But somehow, crazy stupid work. Astrid, we can do this. I know we can. Trust me" Hiccup said, grinning widely as he thought of all the other times he did crazy and stupid things.

"I always trust you, babe" She said back and placed his arms on his neck, smiling happily at him. He beamed back and rested his hands on her waist, bringing her closer.

"But you better not lose another leg in this one or I swear to Odin, Hiccup-" Astrid said and gave him threatening look, making him chuckle.

"I promise you, this fishbone won't get into trouble" Hiccup told her, the smiles growing once more on both of their faces.

"Already did though" She whispered as they both leaned in and connected their lips into a fiery kiss. Astrid moved her arms, wrapping them around his neck and bringing them even closer to each other. Hiccup tightened his hold on her waist, not letting her go, instead he kissed her even more.

In every war, Hiccup and Astrid always feared that losing each other would be the cost, but every battle they had done it. They gotten through together, getting stronger and better.

If Drago really was madman and with their reunion with Hiccup's mother, they had more to lose and greater chance to lose it. It was terrifying.

With that thought, Hiccup and Astrid kissed each other passionately. She moaned softly as she felt his tongue sweep across her lower lip, letting him in. His tongue explored her mouth, tasting every in inch.

Astrid smiled into the kiss and flipped them around so Hiccup had his back to the wall. She slid her hands down to rest on his chest, feeling his heart beat. From then, the kiss became more heated as Astrid's tongue began battling for dominance against his. Hiccup rubbed circles on her waist, grinning.

I guess they had a little time until the war.

"Is that Stormfly?" A voice asked.
"Astrid's here! Where is she and Hic-THERE THEY ARE!" Gobber stated with his heavy accent, gesturing with his metal hand at the couple.

Okay, maybe not as much time as they thought.

Hiccup and Astrid yelped and jumped away from each other in surprise. Their faces flushed and their eyes widened at Gobber, Valka, and Stoick who just entered the room.

"H-hey, you guys! W-what's up?" Hiccup stuttered out, rubbing the back of his neck and chuckling nervously.

"Hi, Stoick! Mrs. Haddock! Gobber!" Astrid greeted meekly with her cheeks bright red.

"Oh my Hiccup, how did you manage a beautiful girl like this?" Valka asked him as she tilted her face in admiration of Astrid who blushed even deeper.

"Mommm!" Hiccup whined as she walked over to the and cupped Astrid's face to see her closer. Astrid smiled nervously at Valka, seeing how she had Hiccup's green eyes.

Valka looked up and down her face, her eyes finally landing on Astrid's. She looked into her eyes as if she was searching for something, then smiled brighter.

"She's a wonderful girl, Hiccup!"She gushed and beamed at her son who grinned slightly at Astrid's nervous face.

"And great at dragon racing and combat too!" Stoick added proudly and nodded at Astrid. She chuckled anxiously and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear.

"Aye! This is the only girl on Berk that can make Hiccup less reckless" Gobber said, making Hiccup roll his eyes at him and Astrid grin.

"What are we doing here again? Oh! The map!" Valka realized and went over to the desk, picking up a piece of paper and handing it to Stoick who took it gratefully.

"Well, we best be going, lad! Go on with your smooching!" Gobber said as they went over to the other room, leaving the two there blushing like crazy.

They looked at each other and saw their identical embarrassed faces, then Hiccup broke out into laughter.

"It's not funny!" Astrid persisted, trying to fight off a smile. He cocked an eyebrow at her in question while laughing and she rolled her eyes.

"That was a terrible first impression on your mom, Hiccup" She sighed and gave in to a small smile as she couldn't resist, hearing his happy chuckles.

"Astrid, my mom thinks that you're a beautiful and wonderful girl who she doesn't believe I could get to be with" Hiccup said and walked over to her, grinning widely. Astrid chuckled and shook her head, finally letting out a full smile.

"I love you" She told him and placed her hands on his cheeks, staring happily into his dazzling green eyes.

"I love you too" He replied and smiled brightly at her, feeling his heart beat faster in his chest.

"AWWW!" Gobber cooed from the door and the two rolled their eyes at him, continuing to look into each other's eyes as he left.

Hiccstrid Oneshots: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now