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Hi guys! Happens a little before HTTYD3! They look like how they are there, enjoy!


Hiccup had been crouched at his desk for about an hour, signing and writing work related documents. He leaned back in his chair and sighed loudly in tiredness.

Toothless, noticing his best friend's stress, warbled softly and nuzzled into his hand. Hiccup chuckled softly and gently petted his buddy on the head.

Suddenly, he heard a series of sniffs and soft muffled sobs. Hiccup sat up straight and looked over to the source of the noise.

He frowned as he walked over to his mother's bedroom and slowly pushed open the door. Valka sat down at the edge of the bed with her head buried in her hands, crying softly.

"Mom.." Hiccup whispered under his breath and quickly sat down beside her, wrapping her in a hug. He rubbed small circles in her back and comforted her while she cried into his neck.

"Mom, what's wrong?" He asked when she pulled away, her eyes blotched with tears. Valka gave him a sad smile and took his hands into hers.

"Today was the day your father asked me for my hand in marriage" She told him, placing her hand on his cheek as a tear fell down from his cheek in remembrance of his beloved dad.

"April 9, the middle of spring where the flowers bloomed in color. Oh, it was such a lovely day" Valka gushed, staring out the window at the fields behind their house.

"We both miss him" Hiccup told her, smiling sadly back. She chuckled a little and looked back at him.

"Enjoy your time with the people you love the most, son. Cherish and love them while you can" Valka said, looking solemn and sad. She turned her head and looked back outside.

Hiccup frowned as his mother turned and smiled brightly. He followed where she was looking and quickly smiled.

Astrid had landed at the small field and was playing, what he assumed was, fetch with Stormfly. He felt his heart flutter in joy while he heard her angelic laughter.

When the dragon gave the stick back to her, all sticky and slimy, a look of disgust formed on her face as she swiftly dropped it and glared at the innocent Nadder.

Hiccup laughed softly at his girlfriend and looked back at his mother. Valka smiled back at him and tilted her head to the window.

"True love comes only once, Hiccup. Don't miss this chance" Valka advised, ruffling her son's hair and walking out the door.

Hiccup thought for a moment about Astrid. She was everything he could ever possibly want. She's smart, funny, beautiful, fierce, determined, and just perfect. Perfect for him.

He looked back out the window at her and smiled as she rubbed noses with her dragon.

That's when he knew. Knew that it was time for him to propose. Not out of fear or sadness, but because of love. Love and not wanting to waste a single moment with the person he loved.

A warble came from the door, disrupting Hiccup from his thoughts. Toothless walked in and looked up at him with curious eyes.

"It's time, bud." He told him, grinning widely at the dragon then back up at his girlfriend outside on the field.

The Night Fury panted excitedly as the two walked over to their room. Hiccup opened a drawer from his cabinet and picked up a small red velvet box.

"Son, I know you will use this and I know the gal you will give it to. She is perfect for you and you are perfect for her. I love you and I wish you the best, Hiccup.

Dad" Hiccup read from the letter, smiling happily at his dad's writing and quickly opened the small box.

He sighed in happiness and relief as he stared at the gold engagement ring with a small heart shaped diamond on top.

Closing the box, he tucked it under his chest plate and shut the drawer. He had found this gift in his cabinet the week after Drago.

Hiccup had been scared to ask her to marry him, it was Astrid. She was perfect and he wanted to wait for the perfect moment, but now he didn't care anymore. All he knew was that he loved her.

"Come on, bud" Hiccup told his dragon while stepping outside his house and walking over to his girlfriend.

"Hey" He greeted, grinning widely at her as she turned around and smiled back. She gave Stormfly one last pet and walked over to him.

"Hey, what you up to?" Astrid asked, blushing lightly as Hiccup leaned in and gave her a small kiss on her nose.

"Nothing. Just wanted to talk to you" He replied, sighing softly in admiration of her. Her hair was in a half-pony and strands slightly framed her round face, making her completely irresistible to Hiccup. Not that he ever felt like she wasn't.

"You're so beautiful, m'lady" He told her in a small whisper as she giggled slightly and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

Gods, is she asking to be kissed? Hiccup thought lovingly in his head while he watched her cute demeanor. Man, was this boy in love.

"Astrid, I love you" He started, taking her hands into his and looking deep into her eyes. She beamed happily at him and gently squeezed his hands in reply.

"I have loved you ever since we were 18 and it's not ever going to stop. Truthfully, I think I love you even more every single day" Hiccup confessed, making Astrid's eyes form tears of joy. Her mouth was in a small smile, a little confused at what was happening.

"I don't wanna miss a single moment with you. I love you so much and I don't think I can ever love anyone as much as I love you" He told her and kneeled down on one knee.

Astrid's eyes widened and she brought her hands up to her mouth, gasping. Tears slowly rolled down her cheeks as she saw Hiccup bring out a small red box.

"Astrid Hofferson, will you do something crazy, and maybe something stupid, and marry me?" Hiccup asked and gave her a small smile, she laughed slightly and nodded furiously.

"Yes! Gods, Hiccup, yes!" Astrid answered, smiling so widely that her cheeks hurt, but she didn't care about that.

He grinned widely and stood up, sliding the ring onto her hand and looking up at her. Her blue eyes sparkled with tears of joy and he was pretty sure that his were the same.

"What took you so long, dork?" Astrid asked him, cupping his face in her hands and pressing their foreheads together. Hiccup chuckled lightly and leaned in, pressing his lips against hers and resting his hands on her waist.

"I love you too, babe" She whispered as they pulled apart, panting for air and grinning happily at each other.

"I love you more, m'lady" He mumbled into her hair, wrapping his arms around her. She sighed in content and rested her head on his shoulder, closing her eyes.

"You know, I thought you learned after 3 years of awkwardness when we were 15. Every moment is a perfect one for me" Astrid said, making him laugh and shake his head. She bit her bottom lip excitedly, thinking of how much she loved him, and kissed his cheek.

"You know, I love this moment right now. I'm happy I made you wait" He said, immediately regretting his decision as he felt a little pain shoot up his left shoulder.

"OW! Okay! I'm sorry for making you wait!" Hiccup complained, rubbing his shoulder while Astrid held her stomach in laughter.

"I'm just happy you said yes" He told her, making her stop laughing and lace her arms around his neck. She smiled at him and leaned in to kiss him once more.

From inside the house, Valka chuckled at their behavior and looked over at a painting of Stoick, her and Hiccup. She beamed proudly at her husband.

"He turned out so great, Stoick. Thank you" She whispered to the painting and then looked out at the two as they looked into each other's eyes in love.

As long as they had each other, they would have love. They would face all the problems and challenges together as a team.

As long as they had each other, nothing else stood a chance against them.

Hiccstrid Oneshots: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now