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Hi guys! Long oneshot to make up for the lack of updates! I have a lot of things happening and I might not update in a while :<

Anyways, happens at the wedding scene at the end of HTTYD3. They look older so they must be 22-23. Enjoy!



Astrid's POV
I wake up slowly to the loud chatter and noise of things outside Ruffnut's hut. I sit up and yawn loudly, stretching my arms.

I rub my eyes awake and realize that Ruffnut and Heather were already up. I smile widely as I see my wedding dress laid out on the bed next to mine.

It's my wedding day! It's my wedding day! I sing in my head while getting up and walking out the door to the kitchen.

"Heeeyyyy, it's the brideeeee" Heather greets in a sing-song voice, grinning and giving me a hug. I laugh softly and hug her back.

"It feels weird. It's the first time I've woken up and Hiccup wasn't beside me" I tell her, leaning against the dinner table and running a hand through my hair.

"Well, you're gonna be wake up to him every single day after today" Ruffnut replied, sliding her a plate of eggs. I give her a brief smile before sitting down and eating.

"Aww, I wanna get married" Heather whined, standing up and leaning her arms on the chair.

"To Fishlegs?" Ruffnut teased, making her blush and look away. I laugh at her reaction and shake my head, knowingly.

They'll get married soon enough, I thought, thinking of their relationship for the past years.

"To Snotlout?" Heather teased back, making Ruffnut gasp and wag the pan in her hands at the girl. She narrowed her eyes at her and shook her head.

"You, missy, are dead! Dead!" Ruffnut warned, making me and Heather laugh loudly at her offense.

"Yes, kill the bridesmaid on the wedding day. What a great wedding that will be" I comment sarcastically, then frown.

"I'm becoming more like Hiccup, aren't I?" I ask them and they nod at me, showing their small grins of amusement.

"True love" Ruffnut added in a sing-song voice, making me roll my eyes and grin widely.


"Ruffnut! You're pulling too hard!" I complain as she tries to fix my hair for the wedding. At the moment, I'm sitting in front of a mirror, wearing one of Hiccup's tunics that were loose on me.

"Lemme try" Heather offered, grabbing the brush from Ruffnut's hand and softly combing my hair. It was about 2 hours from the wedding and I was finished with my bath, all that was left was my appearance.

"Your hair needs to be down. It will totally make you look even better" Heather gushed, smiling at me in the mirror. Ruffnut nodded her head and placed her hand on my shoulder.

I sighed as I stared at my reflection in the mirror. I guess. I mean, Hiccup would always tell me to put my hair down more. He would really like this, I thought and began to smile.

Hiccstrid Oneshots: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now