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If you thought this was the end if the book, nope! Just a lot of angst 😭😂

Happens during the final battle in HTTYD3, when Hiccstrid looked at each other while fighting.


They were just staring at each other, eyes filled with love. One moment, happy. The next, complete and utter saddness.

Hiccuo smiled at her. She was everything. A small smile from her could make a bad day into a good one. She was his best friend and the most amazing person he had ever met.

Astrid looked at Hiccup, smiling happily. He was all she wanted. All she needed. All she could ever ask for. She loved him so much.

Suddenly, a blast from one of Grimmel's Deathgrippers fired at her. She felt a searing pain gasped, holding her side and fell to the floor.

"ASTRID! NO!" Hiccup shouted, running towards her with tears running down his face.

Hiccup turned around to see the dragon fly away with Grimmel on his back. He didn't care. He only needed Astrid. He looked back at her, whimpering on the floor.

"Oh gods, no. Astrid, please" He begged, falling down to his knees and cupping his cheeks with her hands.

"H-hi-hiccup?" Astrid responded, crying softly while her eyes flutterd open.

"Plea-please, don't leave me!" Hiccup cried out to her, tucking a stray piece of hair from her face behind her ear.

"I'm sorry, babe" She apologized, frowning and bringing her hand up to his cheek, wiping away the tears that were falling down with her thumb.

Hiccup chuckled, still quietly sobbing. "I love you. I love you, m'lady, so much" He said sincerely and pressed his forehead to hers.

"You know what I said about the marriage thing a few days ago?" Astrid whispered to him with her eyes shut, stopping the tears from spilling out.

"I was being stupid. I didn't see how lucky I was. How I was with the person I loved the most." She said, her voice breaking a bit at the end. They both opened their eyes to see each other.

"If I just knew, I would- I would-" Astrid tried to say, ended up releasing a sob instead.

"Shh, shhh. It's okay. Just save your energy" Hiccup comforted, looking deep into her blue eyes that were full of tears.

"Hiccup. When I'm gone," Astrid started but was interrupted by Hiccup shaking his head in disbelief.

"When I'm gone, do-don't ever doubt yourself, okay? I can't be there to tell you how amazing you are, even if I really wanted. Do it for me." Astrid asked him, biting her bottom lip ti prevent from crying even more.

"I can't live without you, Astrid. Hold on, please" Hiccup sobbed, holding onto her hands tightly, never wanting to let go.

Astrid felt the world disappering around her. The only thing she was hanging onto was Hiccup. She held tight, she couldn't leave him. Not now. Not when they had so much more to do.

"Kiss me, please? One last time?" Astrid asked in a soft voice. Hiccup nodded and pressed his lips to hers, cherishing the feeling.

They pulled apart, Astrid gave him a small smile, making him laugh a little.

"There it is. I love you" Astrid said happily, placing her hand on his cheek. Hiccup took her hand and kissed it, giving her all he could.

"Bye, babe" She smiled sadly at him and closed her eyes. Hiccup felt her hand go limp and forgot how to breathe and live.

"Bye, m'lady" Hiccup replied to her, even though he knew he would never get a response.


Hope you liked it! Comment if you want more angst, fluff, or anything in particular!

A new text oneshot will come out, since I really enjoyed making it!

<3 Abby

Hiccstrid Oneshots: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now