M'lady and Babe

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Hi guys! I had inspiration from FRIENDS and Once Upon A Time for this! It takes place during season 5 of RTTE!

Astrid's dress is up there! Enjoy!


"GUYS! Guys!" Fishlegs bursted into the Clubhouse, shouting and wagging a piece of paper in his hands.

"What is it, Fishlegs?" Astrid asks, urgently while walking towards him.

"Look, I don't think it's for us, but you need to see this!" He said handing the paper to Astrid who shared it in between her and Hiccup.

"Dead Sir Asmund and Iona Bakken,

   We are happy to invite you to the party of the great Viggo Grimborn. We know that we have not met you and have only been talking through letters and trade, but we call you as friends. Please come to this party so that we may finally meet. The address and time is attached.

Raiden Halen" Hiccup finished reading the letter aloud to everyone.

His eyes widened as he finished reading the letter and looked up at his friends. Astrid gasped and covered her mouth in shock.

"Fish, how did you get this?!" Hiccup asks him, worriedly. Fishlegs shrugs and points to a Terrible Terror.

"So, two people have to go to this party and be Asmund and Iona Bakken" Snotlout confirms, getting nods from everyone.

"Sooooo, who?" Ruffnut asks, looking around.
"And may I add, these two? Are married!" Tuffnut finishes, wagging a finger in the air.

Everyone turns to the Hiccup and Astrid on their right. They both widened their eyes and shook their head rapidly.

"What?! No!" Hiccup and Astrid exclaimed at the same time, moving apart from each other and blushing.

"We've been betrothed for only a month!" Astrid states, raising her shoulders and crossing her arms across her chest.

"You're the two best people in combat, and you two are the most likely to pass as a married couple!" Fishlegs argued, making the both of them look at each other and blush more.

"Plus it says here, they have never seen each other! The guy wouldn't know!" Snotlout adds, pointing at a part in the paper and smirking.

Hiccup glares at everyone. He knew what they were saying was right, but it was going to be awkward, right? I mean, one month!

"Fine" Astrid mumbled out, biting her bottom lip and shrugging. She glances at Hiccup, nervously, and shifts her leg to the foot away from him.

"Okay, I guess" He answers, sighing softly. He looks at Astrid and sees her nervousness, so he laced their hands together to comfort her.

Astrid gave him a smile back and moved closer to him. "See! You guys are-" Tuffnut was shut up by his sister's hand covering his mouth.

"Shhh! Don't ruin the moment! We just got them to agree!" Ruffnut hissed, glancing back and forth from her brother to them.

"It says its like a fancy party, right? You guys need clothes." Fishlegs said excitedly, making the two groan in annoyance.

Fancy clothes?! Uh-uh. No way They both thought. Although, seeing the other in fancy clothes would be nice.

They glanced at each other and laughed a little as they realized they were thinking the same exact thing.

"We can ask our parents for clothes" Hiccup offered, bringing out a piece of paper and beginning to write.

Hiccstrid Oneshots: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now