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Hi guys! This oneshot happens when Hiccstrid who are both 42 have Zephyr who is 18 and Nuffink who is 16.


Nuffink stepped into his house, accidentally slamming the door on his way in and getting his father's attention.

"You okay, Nuff?" Hiccup asked worriedly and glanced at him as he cooked dinner.

"It's nothing. I just had a fight with Runa" He replied, plopping down on the chair beside the fireplace and his sister, Zephyr.

Astrid secretly rolled her eyes on the couch as she read a book. She hated the fact that her 16 year old son had a girlfriend.

Especially since that he was Snotlout's daughter. Why would she want to be related to Snotlout?

"What happened?" Astrid insisted, walking over to the kitchen for water. Nuffink shrugged and sighed again.

"Well, she asked me if she looked fat, so I looked-" Nuffink started but was cut off by his mother.

"Woah, woah. You looked?" She exclaimed, looking at him in amusement as she put down her cup.

"You never look" Hiccup chuckled lightly and turned to face his son. Astrid nodded in agreement.

"Amateur" Zephyr muttered under her breath as she sharpened her dagger. Nuffink raised his eyebrow at them in confusion.

"It's a reflex, son. You just answer" Hiccup explained, turning back to the fire. Astrid laughed a little and nodded again.

"Am I fat? No" Astrid added, looking at her son's confused and interested face.

"Is she prettier? No!" Zephyr continued, wagging her knife at her brother. Nuffink rolled his eyes at her and turned to face Astrid.

"So, how do I fix it? What do I tell her?" He asked his mom, making her shrug back at him.

"You're your dad's son. You'll know what to do" She said smiling and briefly kissing her husband's cheek. Hiccup chuckled and shook his head at her.

"Okay, I'll go fix it up. I'll be back soon" Nuffink said, sitting up and walking to the door. Zephyr scoffed.

"You better not say just say 'sorry'" She told him, rolling her eyes at him. Nuffink stuck his tongue out at her and left.

"See, m'lady. We really did do a good thing today. We helped our son be happy" Hiccup said to Astrid who leaned on the cabinet beside him.

"And to go kiss his girlfriend" Zephyr commented, making Astrid's eyes widen.

"Odin!" Astrid cursed under her breath and sighed. She hated knowing that Nuffink was growing up.

"It'll be fine, mom. Okay, I have to go meet Haldor. I'll be back for dinner!" Zephyr said, keeping her knife and walking out the door.

"Haldor?" Hiccup repeated as she left the house. Astrid grinned at her husband's mouth curled into a frown.

"See, we both hate that they're in relationships" Astrid replied, making him smirk back.

"Eh, I miss when they were younger" He sighed and turned to face Astrid who smiled at him.

"I miss when we were younger" She shot back, walking closer and wrapping her arms around his neck. He laughed softly and leaned in to kiss her. She kissed back, grinning widely.

"Ew, guys" Voices whined from the doorway. Astrid and Hiccup turned to see their children, scrunching up their noses in disgust.

They both laughed and briefly kissed each other again, before Astrid left to set the table.

Hiccstrid Oneshots: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now