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Hi guys! Another request! Keep them coming, guys ❤️! I don't know why, but this oneshot turned out very fluffy 🤣

Happens right after RTTE! Enjoy!


After so many years, Hiccup had found his mother and they all went back home to Berk to be one big family again. They had just gotten back and Stoick was at another island for a meeting. So, Valka and the gang decided to have lunch together and catch up.

"What?! What happened next?" Valka asked, concerned as the gang told her the story of the Red Death and how they got along with the dragons.

"Well, Hiccup and Toothless nearly made it out except that the Red Death's huge tail hit them and knocked him out" Fishlegs told her.

"INTO A PIT OF FLAMES!" Tuffnut added with a exaggerating voice. Valka gasped, urging them to continue.

"Toothless, bud, saved me. Well, not all of me, but still" Hiccup said and petted his dragon beside him who warbled happily in reply.

"Then, this stupid idiot falls into a coma for a month and made us worry a heck lot!" Astrid finished and glared at Hiccup, both angry and scared. He chuckled knowingly and put an arm around his betrothed.

"Sorry for that, m'lady" He apologized and kissed the top of her head, making her calm down. She rolled her eyes and grinned.

"You two are adorable" Valka complimented, smiling happily at her son and Astrid. She was glad that Hiccup had someone to rely on and love. Hiccup and Astrid blushed and smiled back at her.

"Enough about us, what about you? How have you been doing?" Astrid asked her and Hiccup nodded along, encouraging her to tell them. Valka sighed happily and nodded.

"After Cloudjumper had taken me away from Berk, he brought me to this amazing place. A dragon sanctuary with so many different kinds of dragons" Valka told all of them who gaped and looked at her in interest. 

"Woah! Could we go there someday? To see the other dragons and add them to the Book of Dragons?" Fishlegs asked excitedly.

"Yeah! We could find dragons we've never even seen before!" Hiccup added, nodding eagerly.

"With so many dragons, you could blow so much things up!" Tuffnut exclaimed, making a explosion with his hands.

"Yeah! And destroy stuff!" Ruffnut told her brother and they both high-fived each other, grinning.

"How did you get through all those years? In such a big number of dragons, you must've made some enemies" Astrid asked, the most calm out of all of them, but still curious.

"You guys! That doesn't matter! She can hive us something better! She can give embarrassing baby Hiccup stories!" Snotlout shouted in a scolding manner at them. Hiccup scoffed and shook his head.

"Uh, no way. This stuff is more impor-" Hiccup started but was interrupted by Astrid.

"I can't believe I'm saying this but, Snotlout, you're absolutely right!" Astrid said, making Snotlout smirk smugly at everyone.

"Please tell us stories of Hiccup as a baby" Fishlegs pleaded to Valka, turning to her.

"Embarrassing ones!" Tuffnut added, getting nods of agreement from the rest of the gang. Hiccup's mouth curled into an amused smile and shook his head, not thinking his mother would actually tell them. Oh, he was wrong.

Valka laughed loudly and nodded at everyone's eager faces, making Hiccup's eyes go wide in surprise. He opened his mouth to object, but Astrid quickly placed her hand over it.

"One time, I brought Hiccup over to the forge. He was such a wee baby then. He was playing with his toys and suddenly he started crying" Valka said over Hiccup's muffled words covered by Astrid's hand.

"I went over to him and tried to get him to stop. I checked his nappy, I fed him, I burped him, and he was still crying. I decided to take him to Gothi and finally found out why he kept crying" Valka continued and laughed in remembrance. Even now, Hiccup had quieted down and Astrid's hand fell down in suspense.

"We found a small bolt stuck up his nose!" Valka finally told them, making them burst out into laughter. Hiccup blushed deep red and look down in shame, silently laughing as well.

"Oh my gods, Hiccup! You still love those bolts and stuff until today! You're still baby Hiccup!" Astrid laughed, pinching his cheeks and smiling widely at him. Hiccup saw her happy face and just couldn't help but smile back.

"What's worse is that night, we found another one in his nappy!" Valka added, making everyone laugh even harder. Hiccup chuckled at his mistake and shook his head, smiling.

"Odin! Hiccup was an idiot baby!" Tuffnut guffawed, pounding his chest with his fist and laughing.

"A hungry idiot baby!" Snotlout added, making them both laugh harder. He fell to the ground in laughter at the thought of baby Hiccup eating a bolt.

"Hiccup ate a bolt!" Fishlegs giggled and his shoulders bounced up and down in laughter. Ruffnut was with Snotlout on the floor, laughing hard and snorting. Even Toothless was laughing his dragon laugh.

Astrid laughed into her betrothed's shoulder, nuzzling into his chest. He chuckled at her and shook his head before briefly kissing her cheek. He just couldn't help but kiss her at that moment. She was smiling and laughing and he just found her so amazingly beautiful that way.

Her heart fluttered when she felt his lips touch her skin and she stopped laughing to smile brightly at him. She looked up at his happy afce and leaned her head on his shoulder in content.

"It's always nice to hear about younger you, babe. Especially your screw ups" Astrid said to Hiccup above the laughter that everyone was in except them. He snorted and raised his eyebrow at her.

"And why is that?" He asked, grinning at her.
"Because it shows how much you've grown from that. How you got through it. It makes me see how you became the wonderful person you are today" Astrid answered while casually braiding his hair.

"That was very sentimental coming from you. I thought you were gonna say 'cause they were funny" Hiccup told her, making her laugh.

"Yeah that too. But hey! I can be sentimental and romantic" Astrid argued, dropping the braid and looking at him.

"I never took you for a ever!" He said, making her grin and roll her eyes.

"Just shut up, will you?" She teased and smiled at him. He rubbed his nose against hers and smiled back, making her giggle softly.

"That might be embarrassing for Hiccup, but Hiccstrid doing that is embarrassing for me" Snotlout interrupted, causing the two to look around and see that the laughter had faded.

"Whoops" Hiccup muttered, making Astrid snigger lightly and both of them to sit properly again. Valka smiled at then in adoration, feeling her heart melt in joy.

"I think what you two have is beautiful, son" Valka told him and he smiled at her back. Astrid beamed happily and nodded.

"Like the bolt up his nose and down his butt" Tuffnut mumbled and made everyone laugh again at his stupid comment.

Hiccup was so happy that he had his whole family again. His dragon, his friends, his parents, and Astrid. He had all the family he ever wanted or needed....and the person to make it bigger, right in his arms.

Hiccstrid Oneshots: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now