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Hi guys! This is the next request! When Hiccstrid is 24 and Zephyr's 9 months old. Enjoy!


"I love you both" Hiccup mumbled into Astrid's neck as they cuddled together with their 9 month old baby Zephyr in bed.

Astrid laughed softly and rubbed Zephyr's small baby hands with her pointer finger. She gazed at her baby in wonder, her auburn hair, blue eyes, and squishy face that was lying down on Hiccup's chest.

Both parents closed their eyes and leaned on each other happily, trying to fall asleep during that cold winter morning.

"Mama!" A small voice spoke, breaking the peaceful silence. Hiccup and Astrid's eyes shot open and glanced down at their daughter in surprise.

"Mama!" Zephyr spoke with her eyes fixed on Hiccup. They both felt their hearts melt, hearing their daughter's voice for the first time.  Astrid smiled at her daughter and realized that she was only looking at her husband. Her smile dropped, realizing what happened.

"Astrid! Look!" Hiccup said gleefully, grinning at his daughter in pride. He looked over at his wife and saw that she was frowning.

"M'lady? What's-?"
"She's calling you" Astrid whispered out, staring sadly at her child. Hiccup frowned and glanced back at their baby.

"You're 'mama', Hiccup. I'm not good enough" Astrid whispered again, feeling tears gather in her eyes. She smiled sadly at her baby who tilted her head questioningly.

Astrid sniffed loudly and began to sit up. "Sorry, but I-i need to get up" She apologized, sitting up and swinging her legs down the bed.

Hiccup sighed and sat up properly, his back to the wall with Zephyr sitting on his lap. She reached up and played with his tunic, giggling.

"Astrid, I'm sure it's just because she doesn't know what it means yet. I always tell her that I love her mama, so maybe she got confused and though I was-" Hiccup tried to explain but then they heard a loud sound come from outside their room.

Astrid turned around quickly and Hiccup shut up to look over at her. They both looked at each other and silently communicated. They both nodded and started their plan.

Hiccup quickly placed Zephyr down on the bed, tucking her in with multiple pillows so she wouldn't fall off. Astrid took her axe and threw Hiccup his Inferno.

They both positioned themselves into a defensive form with Hiccup being near Zephyr and Astrid nearer to the door.

Suddenly, the door swung open and revealed a viking in ragged clothing. He glared at them through his mask and held his weapon at them.

"Who are you?" Astrid demanded, gripping her axe tighter. The stranger looked over at her and growled before attacking her with their sword.

Astrid easily blocked it and fought back. She effectively pushed the stranger onto the floor and held her axe at their throat triumphantly.

"Once again! Who are you?!" Astrid shouted, looking them straight in the eyes. The viking grinned and threw something into the air with their free hand.

Her eyes widened, realizing it was a dagger and it was heading towards Zephyr. Her heart seized and she could only think of one thing.


Astrid jumped into the air, blocking the small dagger with her bottom leg and falling onto the bed. She groaned in pain and looked back to see Hiccup tackling the viking back to the ground.

She quickly looked back at her baby and saw Zephyr crawling over to her worriedly. The relived mom sighed in relief and gently kissed the top of her baby girl's head.

"Oh, Zeph. Thank Thor, you're alright" Astrid gushed, taking her baby in her arms and hugging her tightly. Zephyr cooed softly and hugged her back.

"Astrid!" Hiccup called, coming back into the room from tying the stranger up. He sat down in front of her and looked at the dagger. He smiled and looked back at his wife's face.

"You scared me. Both of you!" He said and laughed softly before looking back down at her wound.

"You're gonna be fine, Ast. The cut isn't deep and you don't even need stitches!" Hiccup finished and sat down beside her, making her grin and peck his lips

"Thanks, babe" She replied and leaned against his chest. She smiled at the baby in her hands and rubbed noses with her.

"I'll always protect you" She whispered to Zephyr who gave her a big smile.

"Mama!" Zephyr gurguled out and Astrid laughed happily. Hiccup chuckled and put an arm around her.

"I guess we're both mama now" He told her and they both grinned proudly of their baby.

Hiccstrid Oneshots: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now