Right Now

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Hi guys! This is another request, yay! This happens the day after the gang found out about Hiccstrid. Enjoy!


"I can't believe that it's all over now" Fishlegs said while chewing on his breakfast. Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, I mean since Viggo's gone, we don't have to do a lot anymore" Hiccup stated.

"I bet they're just giving us a break. Like a vacation." Tuffnut suggested, making Hiccup scoff in amusement.

"Hey! We're a bunch of 18 year olds flying dragons in the sky, we need a break!" Ruffnut defended. Snotlout shrugged and nodded at her point. They were still young.

They all turned their heads as they heard footsteps and planks creaking coming from the entrance.

"Hey" Astrid greeted from the door as she walked to the table. Hiccup looked at her and smiled happily at her.

She smiled back at him and briefly kissed him as she sat down beside him. They pulled apart and heard 'ooooh's from their friends.

"Hiccstrid" Ruffnut sang in a sing-song voice, making the couple roll their eyes.

"Aren't you both lovey-dovey?" Tuffnut teased, getting a glare from Astrid. Hiccup chuckled and nudged her gently. She glanced at him and smirked.

"Awww, now that's just cute!" Fishlegs squealed as he looked at the two's actions. Snotlout rolled his eyes and scoffed at him.

"Whatever. You know it's Snotstrid forever" He said smugly and ate his food. Astrid pretended to gag while Hiccup scoffed.

"You can't have Astrid, Snot. 'Cause they're gonna be together, forever! They're gonna get married-" Ruffnut said, making the couple blush and open their mouths to argue, but Tuffnut beat then to it.

"-then they'll move in and have babies!" Tuffnut finished, clasping his hands together and looking at them dreamily.

Hiccup chuckled nervously and rubbed his neck while Astrid had an anxious smile and bit her bottom lip. Both were blushing furiously and were looking away from each other.

"Ooh! I bet they'll have the cutest babies!" Fishlegs gushed, making the two blush even more. Astrid coughed nervously and tucked a hair behind her ear.

"Blonde hair with green eyes! Oh! Brown hair with blue eyes! Cute!" Ruffnut joined in, clapping happily as she imagined it in her head.

"OKAY WELL, I'M DONE. SEE YOU GUYS LATER. BYE!" Astrid suddenly exclaimed in a fake happy tone and left the Clubhouse.

"YEP ME TOO BYE BYE FRIENDS" Hiccup shouted nervously and left in the opposite way she left.

Fishlegs, Ruffnut, and Tuffnut looked at each other with confusion on their faces. Snotlout saw them and face palmed.

"They're obviously nervous because now Astrid has gambling problems!" He told them in a matter-of-fact way, shaking his head.

Fishlegs raised his eyebrow at him while the twins 'ooh'd in realization.

The rest of the day, Hiccup and Astrid avoided each other at all costs. The teasing and gushing over them and their future at breakfast seemed to make them really nervous.

"I can be nervous, right?" Astrid asked herself as she threw her axe at a tree. It make a loud 'thunk' as it landed, scaring a few birds.

"Well, Hiccup was nervous, so he's feeling the same way. Maybe it's okay" She said, pulling her axe out of the tree and throwing at another one.

"But what if, he's nervous that I'm nervous because he's not nervous and I'm really nervous?!" She guessed and frowned, hearing her axe hit the tree.

"That's a lot of nervous" Astrid commented and sighed as she sat down on a rock.

From behind her, she heard a branch break softly. She quickly turned around and saw Hiccup, giving her a shy smile.

Astrid sat up straight and chuckled nervously. "Uh, he-hey! How long have you, um, been there?" She asked, standing up and rubbing her arm.

He shrugged and looked away. "A little while, I didn't hear a lot." He answered, clicking his tongue as they didn't speak for a while.

Hiccup sighed and looked at her straight in the eye. "Can we just put aside this awkwardness and nervousness?" He asked her.

She exhaled deeply and nodded in relief. "Thank gods, I can't handle any more of this" She said, walking over to him and smiling.

He smiled back and opened his arms. She happily walked into them and wrapped her arms around him tightly.

"Let's just ignore the pressure the gang gives us" Hiccup suggested, hugging her back.

"Agreed. Let's just enjoy how we are right now" Astrid said, pulling back a little to see his face.

He smiled at her and nodded, leaning in to kiss her. She kissed him back gently and brought her hand up to place it on his cheek.

Then, a wolf-whistle echoed through the clearing in the forest. The couple turned their heads and saw the gang staring at them.

Snotlout leaned against the tree with his arms crossed and Fishlegs was behind him, clapping frantically. Ruffnut and Tuffnut gaped at them and then began squealing with excitement.

"Shut up" Astrid said, glaring at them, and  pulled her boyfriend in for another kiss. Hiccup grinned and kissed her back.

The future was bright and all, but they were really enjoying how they are right now.

Hiccstrid Oneshots: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now