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Before Mi Amore Wing in RTTE. Enjoy!


"Hey, babe" Astrid greeted, grinning and sitting down next to him. It was early in the morning and they were alone at Itchy Armpit.

"Morning, m'lady" Hiccup replied, returning her grin and pecking her lips.

"Wanna go on a date this afternoon?" He asked her, raising his eyebrow.

"Sorry, babe, I can't. I have so much to do, training, chores, and I have to pick up my work from Fishlegs" Astrid listed, sighing sadly.

"I can pick up the papers." Hiccup offered.
"I'm stoping by Fishlegs later so I can get it in the way."

Astrid shook her head. "No, it's okay. I'll do it" She said quickly, making Hiccup worry.

"Why not? It'll lessen your stress and give me more time with you. Win-win" Hiccup insisted, grinning at her. Astrid bit her lip, hesitantly, and sighed.

"Hiccup, these papers are so much of my hardwork." Astrid admitted, seriously while turning to face him. Hiccup nodded, looking at her with understanding eyes.

"And, you know me. Not the writing type. So, this is really important and special to me." She mumbled, sheepishly while tucking a piece of hair behind her ear and looking down.

"I won't lose it. I promise" Hiccup said, lifting her chin to look into her eyes. Astrid smiled and shook her head, then leaned in to kiss him.


Hiccup, coming back from Fishleg's house, placed Astrid's papers down. Suddenly, a Terrible Terror landed on his head.

It had a letter that described something really urgent, so he quickly closed the letter and left, accidentaly forgetting about his betrothed's precious work.


"How could you have lost it?!" Astrid shouted at Hiccup, pacing back and forth the stables.

"Look, I was doing so much stuff that it just slipped my mind!" Hiccup said back, trying to get her to calm down.

"I told you earlier and you promised!" She said back, angrily while frowning.

"Now, the papers I've been working on all month is gone!" She narrowed her eyes at him, boiling with rage.

"I said I was really sorry!" Hiccup said back, frowning and crossing his arms.

"Sorry can't bring all my work back!" Astrid crossed her arms walking away from him.
"I didn't mean to!" Hiccup insisted, following after her.

"THAT DOESNT MATTER!" Astrid shouted loudly at him, turning around to face him. She had tears rolling down her cheeks in anger and frustration. Her mouth curled into a scowl and frown.

"Hiccup," Astrid whispered shakily
"I trusted you." She said so simply, but breaking his heart in so many ways.

She pushed him out of the way and ran outside, tears falling down like a waterfall.

He heard her whistle for Stormfly, and wanted to chase her but he couldn't move. Hearing Stormfly's wings flapping away, he shook his head.

He quickly got onto Toothless and began looking for her. "Itchy Armpit, bud. As quick as you can" Hiccup patted the Nightfury's head as they flew off into the distance.

How could he be so stupid?! She gave him a whole speech about it! Now, she doesn't trust him anymore.

Oh gods, how will they have a relatinship if she doesn't trust him, Hiccup thought, afraid of what would happen next.

What if-what if she breaks up with me? A tear rolled down his cheek.

After what I did, I can't blame her. More tears started flowing down as Hiccup thought of it.

After arriving at the island a few minites later, Hiccup landed and got off Toothless. Seeing Astrid, Hiccip cursed to himself.

She curled up with her knees to her chest, softly crying into her hands. Hiccup's heart dropped. Oh gods, Astrid, He thought sadly.

"M'lady" Hiccuo mumbled to her, kneeling down as a tear rolling down his cheek. Astrid looked up at him, eyes as red as his.

For a moment, no one said anything. The two just stared at each other in sadness and hopefulness, wishing for the same thing.

To just stop fighting

A tear fell from Astrid's eye as she quickly wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him as close as possible. Hiccup sat down beside her, hugging her tightly.

"I'm so sorry" He kept mumbling as he brushed her blonde hair with his fingers.

"You don't do many things like that and it was so amazing of you to try. It was really, really important to you, and I was an idiot and forgot about it!" Hiccup explained, exasperated and angry at himself for making her feel this way.

Astrid sniffled. "I forgive you" She whispered softly, burrying her head into his shoulder.

"Gods, Astrid. I was so scared. So scared, I'd lose you" Hiccup admitted, tears rapidly falling down from his green eyes again while wrapping his arms further around her.

"Can we never do that again?" Astrid asked, frowning. Never again, please.
Hiccup nodded in agreement. "Not again" He promised her and kissed the top of her head.

"I love you" Hiccup murmured into her hair, never letting go of her ever again.
"I love you too" Astrid said back, sighing in relief while feeling his arms around her.

Hiccstrid Oneshots: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now