Getting Lost

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Hi guys! This happens before HTTYD2. You know the scene after Hiccstrid finds the Dragon Trappers, Hiccup tells Stoick that it wasn't like the other islands he went to?

Well this is Hiccstrid going to those other islands that Hiccup mentioned. Enjoy!


"What exactly are we doing here again?" Astrid asked Hiccup as she jumped off of Stormfly.

"We are here to map the island and to find out its name" Hiccup replied while patting Toothless on the head and getting off.

They had landed at a clearing in the forest so that they wouldn't scare the people this time. Also, so that no one would shoot at them.

"You ready?" Astrid asked, walking towards Hiccup as he looked around at the surroundings then back at her.

"Let's go, m'lady" He said playfully, giving her a small grin. She smiled back and walked with him out of the clearing.

After a few minutes of walking, they managed to get through the thick forest and into the village itself.

Right outside the forest was a marketplace where there were people trading all kinds of things.

Astrid and Hiccup both shivered as they saw someone displaying the bones of a dragon's head. They both shot a look of disgust at the trader and moved along.

"I can't believe Berk used to be like this" Astrid mumbled to Hiccup as they walked their way past the market.

"I know right, well, at least we changed, you know" He said back, tilting his head as they finally entered a new part of the village.

"Okay, now what to do we do now?" Hiccup asked himself, looking around the town plaza.

"Highest point would be good, right?" Astrid answered and pointed to a hill on their left. Hiccup nodded and walked towards it.

It was looked close by and easy to get to, but after a few minutes of walking and talking, they still couldn't find their way there.

"Babe," Astrid took his hand to stop her boyfriend from walking even more. He looked back at her with a questioning face.

"Didn't we walk past this already?" She continued, squinting at the fountain and widening her eyes.

"We did! It's the exact same fountain!" Astrid exclaimed, a confused look on her face.

"Wait, we were going in a circle? Weren't we heading straight forward?" Hiccup asked, looking at the hill and back to the fountain.

"We must've took a wrong turn or something" Astrid guessed, sighing deeply. Hiccup took her hand and continued walking to the hill.

"Let's just keep looking at the hill, we can't lose it that way" He told her, swinging their laced hands back and forth.

"So back to what we were talking about: why are we the only sane people except for Fishlegs in our group of friends?" Hiccup asked, making Astrid laugh a little.

"Probably because we don't plan deadly games and hit on people who hate you" She answered, rolling her eyes.

"Hey, I hit on you" Hiccup said, grinning at her. She scoffed and grinned back.

"Yes, I hate you very very much" She said sarcastically, making him grin even wider.

"Is that sarcasm?" Hiccup gasped mockingly at her, making Astrid shake her head.

"I can't help it. Your Hiccupness is starting to rub off on me." She teased, smirking at him.

"I'm glad that it is, m'lady" He replied, briefly kissing her on the cheek. She chuckled lightly and grabbed the top of his flight suit, pulling him in for a real kiss.

"Okay, we are in a public place, young lady. I know it's very hard to resist my charm-" Hiccup said after pulled away, being cut off by Astrid laughing. He laughed along and grinned at her.

"I love you, you know that?" Astrid said as she finished laughing. Hiccup smiled at her.

"I love you to- Oh my Thor, it's the fountain again!" He said, exasperated as he pointed to it behind her.

"Okay, let's ask someone" Astrid sighed and took his hand, dragging him to a person who was sitting on a barrel.

"Excuse me, but how can you get to that hill?" She asked politely and pointed to where they wanted to go.

"Oh, from here: take a left then curve right and go right again, then follow along until you find a smaller path" The man answered, gesturing to the road behind him.

"Thanks" Hiccup said and walked with Astrid to where the man pointed to.

"Do you know where you're going?" Astrid asked him, knowingly. Hiccup didn't seem like he listened well.

"Trust me, I know exactly what I'm doing. Mostly." He replied and looked left and right, confused. She smiled a little and pointed to the left.

"Okay, never mind. I didn't listen" He chuckled and gestured for Astrid to lead the way. She giggled softly and grabbed his hand.

Minutes went by and they followed the man's directions, but they still ended up at the fountain in the middle of the town.

"Okay, you know what? Let's just scare the heck out of them" Hiccup said tiredly and smiled at Astrid.

She nodded and whistled for Stormfly, Hiccup following her. In a few seconds, they heard loud flapping sounds and saw their dragons land before them.

People ran away from them, scared for their life. They both got on and quickly flew to the hill, secretly hiding their smiles as people screamed and shouted in terror.

"Finally!" Hiccup exclaimed as he got off of Toothless. The dragon warbled at him and he scratched his head.

"Long story, bud" He said, walking to the edge of the cliff with him. He kneeled and laid down his map and started to draw another island.

"Astrid, does this place have a name?" He asked her, turning around to see her petting Stormfly.

"Yep, someone shouted 'long live Helm' so that's most likely their name" Astrid answered, shrugging and walking to him to look over his shoulder.

"The Isle of Helm" Hiccup stated out loud while writing it down on the map. He looked up from the map and saw the view from the hill.

"Wanna go hone now?" He asked, turning around to face Astrid. She nodded, taking one last look at the village, and walked over to her dragon.

"Well, that trip was just 3 hours of getting lost." She said as they flew of towards Berk. Hiccup laughed and looked at her.

"At least it was 3 hours of getting lost with you" He replied, smiling at her. She smiled back at him and shook her head, blushing.

Hiccstrid Oneshots: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now