Lose You

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After HTTYD2, enjoy!


Hiccup and Astrid were in Hiccup's tent. There was only a limited amount of tents available after the fight with Drago and most of their houses were covered in ice, so they decided to share one. They were used to it. Astrid and Hiccup were that close.

Astrid was staring at a map she had laid out on the floor, thinking deeply. As General of Berk, she had to keep Berk safe from dragon hunters, enemys and attackers. She was thinking of how they could be less reliant on their dragons, just in case a situation like earlier that week came up again.

Hiccup was writing a response to a letter from a trader about a problem. He was twirling the charcoal pencil in his hand, thinking hard about what more to write. Toothless was beside him, asleep from the ride they took earlier that day. Suddenly, the pencil he was twirling gave him a small cut, making him cry out more from the surprise than pain.

"Ow!" Hiccup cried in shock and dropped his pencil on the table. Toothless woke up to the sound of his rider in pain and looked around. Seeing his rider's stupid mistake, he shook his head and went back to sleep.

"Wow, thanks, bud" Hiccup said sarcastically, seeing his dragon lying back down on the floor.

Astrid, on the other hand, turned her head quickly when she heard her fiance. Frowning, she took his hand and examined his finger. A cut. Really small cut.

Normally, Astrid would tease him for shouting so loud and call him weak, but right now, Astrid was not herself. It was the night after she was so close to losing him. So. Close.

"I'll get a bandage" She said urgently, walking towards a small bag in the corner and riflibg through it. Hiccup gaped at the blonde, in utter confusion and shock.

"M'lady" Hiccup scoffed, raising his eyebrow at her while she walked back with a bandage.

"It's just a small cut. I only cried out 'cause I was surprised" He explained, frowning as she continued to wrap his finger in a tight cloth.

"Yeah, but still. We have to be sure" Astrid replied, finishing dressing the small cut on his finger and pressed the back of her hand to his forehead.

"You feel hot." She pointed out, worriedly, and walked back to the smal bag. Hiccup put his own hand on his forehead, feeling nothing. He turned to the dragon, who immediately knew what to do, putting his paw on his forehead. Toothless shook his head and warbled in reply.

"Astrid, it's nothing" Hiccup said to her, warily, nervous for why she was acting that way. She rushed back to his side after finding nothing in the bag that would help his supposed fever.

"Nothing there" She stated, ignoring what he said and paced back and forth, thinking about what else she could do. All without making eye contact with him.

"Oh! I could get a piece of ice from outside and wrap it in a cloth!" She stopped pacing and raised a finger, but before she could walk to the door, she was stopped by Hiccup taking her hand and holding her back from moving.

"Astrid! Calm down!" Hiccup told her, really confused and worried for her. He tilted his head at her and finally made eye contact.
"Stop, I'm fine. Why are you worrying so much?!" He insisted, frowning even more. She was never like this and that scared him.

"Because I might lose you!" Astrid whispered as she remembered the fear she felt twice during the battle with Drago.

The first, when he was trapped in ice. She remembered how she couldn't move, how even her heart stood still. How she couldn't believe that he could be gone in just that quickly. She couldn't handle it.

The second, when Drago turned Toothless against him. She was in the sky, seeing the plasma ray hit someone she quickly flew down to see who. Her heart yelled for it not to be Hiccup. She couldn't lose him, not two times in the same day.

Her heart aches knowing that someday in the future at a much worse battle, that she might lose him. A tear rolled down her cheek thinking of how terrible she would feel. How her whole world would just collapse.

Hiccup's face lightened and he caressed her cheek with his hand. "I'll always be here, Astrid" He told her, wiping away her tears with his thumb.

"Now you are, Hiccup" Astrid cried, sadly, turning around and walking a few steps away.

"But, you're chief now and there are gonna be so many more battles. And you're gonna have to fight them all!" She said, tears rolling down her cheeks.

"You're strong, Hiccup. But, you're not immortal" Astrid finished, wiping her eyes with wrist. Hiccup sighed, knowing that it was true.

He walked over to her and put his hands around her middle. "You think I don't know that?" He whispered quietly while briefly kissing the top of her head.

"Of course, I do. Astrid, I think about that everyday of my life. But never about me dying, but you. You are always there with me. I can't stop you from risking your life to save mine. I can't stop you from getting really hurt in a battle. And I hate that" Hiccup admitted, shaking his head in sadness.

"Eventually, one of us is going to die, leaving the other alone. Wether it's in a battle really near in the future or when we're old and gray, it's going to happen" Hiccup told her sadly, feeling tears build up in his eyes.

She turned around and saw his forest green eyes which looked so sad. Astrid bit her bottom lip, trying to stop from crying. She wasn't one to cry, but for Hiccup? She would cry an ocean.

"Just know that I am so lucky and happy that I have you now. Know that, I love you so much and will always do." Hiccup said, giving her a small sad smile. Astrid sighed, tears rolling down her face.

"Ditto to that, babe." Astrid mumbled back, returning a small grin and quickly wrapping her arms around his neck. Hiccup placed his hands on her waist and sighed happily.

"At least we have each other now" Astrid said, making Hiccup chuckled and smile.

"Yeah, we do, m'lady. Yeah, we do." He murmured as he grinned leaned in, connecting their lips into a sweet kiss.


Hi! Sorry it was a little late but I was really addicted to this game. (Ehem good pizza, great pizza) Hope you enjoyed!

<3 Abby

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