Midnight Cries

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A short and cute oneshot after HTTYD3! Enjoy!


Hiccup and Astrid were sleeping soundly in their bed, tired from their long day. Astrid was lying on Hiccup's chest and Hiccup had his arm around her.

They were sleeping so peacefully and calmly that nothing could possibly wake them up.

"WAHHHHHH" A high pitched cry came from the other room. The couple groaned in annoyance, refusing to get up.

"Babe, it's your turn, go" Astrid mumbled groggily as she nudged her husband. Hiccup sighed in reply and got up, shuffling his feet to her daughter's room.

Astrid covered herself with the covers, trying to sleep through the loud cries of her child. Just when she was about to fall asleep again, Hiccup came into their room, a crying baby in his arms

"Aww, what? Come on!" Astrid moaned, tiredly as she sat up against the bed. Her eyes narrowed at her husband, her eyebrow raised questioningly.

"She needs to be nursed, m'lady" Hiccup said lightly, not wanting to anger his wife.

"Ugh, you nurse her!" Astrid cried, lying back down on the bed. Hiccup bounced Zephyr, who was still screeching and crying.

"Astrid..." He said, warningly while shaking her awake again. She sighed in defeat as she took her child and nurses her.

"Thank you" He muttered, briefly kissing her forehead and going back to sleep.

After a while, Astrid finished nursing her. She went over to her cot and gently placed her daughter down, not knowing that she woke her husband up in the process.

Astrid sighed as she looked at her daughter in awe. Zephyr had Hiccup's auburn hair, but her bright blue eyes. She smiled, brushing a hair away from her soft and cute face.

Hiccup followed Astrid into Zephyr's room, leaning at the doorway as he listened to what she said. He smiled as he saw her brush the hair out of their daughter's face.

"You know, I love you so much. Even if you wake me up at midnight and cry like crazy, I'll always love you" Astrid whispered softly to her child, staring at her with loving and mother-like eyes.

Hiccup walked closer to them, wrapping his arms around Astrid's middle and resting his head on her shoulder. Astrid sighed happily, placing her hands on his.

"Thank you. For giving me her and everything else" Hiccup said softly and gently kissed her cheek. Astrid smiled and turned around to face him, placing her arms around his neck as he put his on her waist.

She leaned in and gave him a sweet and passionate kiss. "You're welcome" She replied, grinning as they pulled away.

Hiccstrid Oneshots: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now